TAG: ptsd

Support the Troops – Let Them Treat PTSD with Cannabis

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times It’s a tough time to be a US military veteran. Not only is there no end in sight for US foreign interventions, but the economy here at home is in terrible shape, veterans are seeing record numbers of suicides, extremely high levels of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), nearly a

Can An Afghani War Veteran Help Us to Understand Good Conscience?

Dr. Teck Young Wee (Hakim), Guest Writer Waking Times I believe the medical community has made a mistake in considering war-related post-traumatic stress a disorder. War related post-traumatic stress is a natural order, not a disorder. I speak as a general medical practitioner, not as a psychiatrist. But more importantly, I speak as a human

Soldiers, PTSD and the Shamanic Plant Medicine Iboga

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  Whether you agree with American foreign policy or not, it’s difficult to imagine disagreement over the fact that soldiers returning from war should be given the best possible care to recover from physical and psychological injuries incurred in military service. Not only is it naturally human and compassionate to wish

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