TAG: psychotropic drugs

The Devious Matrix Called Psychiatry

Jon Rappoport – Psychiatry purports to describe actual states of mind, and it coalesces and freezes those descriptions in such a way that people believe these states of mind exist. They don’t.

Huge Study Finds 5-fold Increase in ADHD Medication Use in Kids and Teens

Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times Use of stimulant medications to treat Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents has increased significantly over the past several years –around the globe. Recently, we reported a staggering increase in the UK for children as young as three. That report included information of U.S. sales of ADHD stimulants more than doubling between 2007


Steven Taylor, Reality Sandwich Waking Times Several writers of my acquaintance, such as Allen Ginsberg and Ed Sanders, developed the habit of keeping extensive files of press clippings on stories of personal interest. Noam Chomsky, we’re told, does the same thing. An individual news report may mention something in passing that may seem secondary to

Psychiatry – Practice of Medicine or Practice of Marketing?

Waking Times Are we all entitled to be happy? If you are not, is a pill the answer? Social anxiety disorder, depression, bi-polar disorder. It seems that these diseases now plague the American populous. The statistics behind psychiatric diseases and use of psychotropic drugs are staggering. Adult use of antidepressants almost tripled in the US

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