TAG: natural health

This Is Your Brain on Meditation

Rebecca Gladding, M.D., Guest Waking Times I realized today that in all my posts regarding the brain and how to sculpt it with mindfulness, I’ve never actually explained how and why meditation works. Specifically, the science behind how your brain changes the longer you meditate. I think this is important for many reasons, but one of the most salient is that this


5 Top Super Foods and Their Far Reaching Benefits

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Mother nature supplies us with an infinite number of super foods, but the following are five top super food wonders that can prolong your life, give you extra energy and protect against diseases like cancer and dementia. Top super foods can also protect against heart disease and diabetes, as well as boost

10 Natural Substances That Could Help Cure Type 1 Diabetes

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Could the long-sought after cure for type 1 diabetes be as close as your kitchen cupboard? An accumulating body of scientific research appears to point in exactly that direction. One so-called ‘incurable disease’ that afflicts millions of people around the world is type 1 diabetes. Unlike type 2 diabetes, where the

14 Steps to Cut Out Processed Food

Lisa Leake, Guest Waking Times We took our own pledge for 100 days in part to convince others that they could follow our same “real food” rules for only 10 days. We realize not everyone is keen on the idea of going “cold turkey” with the 10 Days of Real Food pledge though, which is why we also developed

Better Breathing Can Mean Better Health

Sue McAllister, Mercury News Waking Times Breathing is one of the body’s fundamental functions, yet most of us give it no more attention than we give the national product of Lichtenstein. We go about our day – doing routine tasks, making phone calls, handling problems, walking the dog – and unless we overexert ourselves or

Oil Pulling: Ancient Secret for Optimal Health

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times What Is Oil Pulling? Oil pulling is an ancient Indian folk remedy first mentioned in the early Ayurvedic text, the Charaka Samhita, which was believed to have been written approximately 1500 years ago. One oil pulls by simply swishing a tablespoon of oil (sesame, coconut and sunflower are commonly recommended)

Better than Wheatgrass: Raw Veggie Juice and Sprouts

Dr. Mercola Waking Times If you want to improve your nutrition and are itching to grow your own food, sprouts are an ideal choice. Virtually all sprouted seeds and grains fall in the “superfood” category, and they’re really easy to grow, even if you don’t have a lot of space or an outdoor garden. But

12 Health Tips Acupuncturists Wish Everyone Would Remember

Sara Calabro, AcuTake Waking Times Acupuncturists do more than just poke people with needles. They use non-needling techniques, such as moxibustion and cupping, and some prescribe herbs. They also offer advice—acupuncture-inspired tips that can help you feel healthier and happier. Some people heed this advice and others ignore it, often to the chagrin of acupuncturists. There are

Why Coconut Oil Is Better Than the Other Vegetable Oils in Your Pantry

Elaine Rosales, Guest Writer Waking Times Many people think that cooking oils like corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola are good for their health just because they’re made from vegetables or plants. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, these oils are probably the worst oils you can use for cooking. One

Hypnosis for Wellness

Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Guest Writer Waking Times You are your mind/emotions/body; you can’t have one without the other. Mind affects body; body affects mind. Your thoughts effect your wellness. It makes sense. After all, every organ in your body is connected with your brain. A main benefit of hypnosis is that it alleviates stress. It helps

Kratom: The Miracle Healing Leaf

Dustin P., Metaphysical Source Waking Times  Kratom, derived from a Thai word for a species of tree known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a large tree in the Rubiaceae family that grows native in Southeast Asia. In the wild, the trees can grow higher than 60 feet and wider than 15 feet. The leaves can have

A Cure For Every Type of Bacteria And It’s Raw, Natural and Never Spoils

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Many state it’s not what honey is good for, but what isn’t it good for. Honey has been used medically for hundreds of years, but for no reasons other than profit, mainstream medicine has sought to develop man-made antibiotics which have only led to antibiotic resistance and other diseases.

Research Now Showing Natural Products As Effective As Man-Made Drugs

Dr. Marianna Pochelli, Prevent Disease Waking Times Many combinations of natural products are as effective as man-made drugs, but without the side effects when acting against specific diseases. For empirical evidence, look no further than the indigenous tribes and cultures which still use many formulations pre-dating the historical record and with great success. A comprehensive

How To Prevent Enzyme Deficiency – The Cause Of All Humanity’s Diseases

Raluca Schachter, Guest Writer Waking Times “The length of life is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential of an organism. The increased use of food enzymes promotes a decreased rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential.” –The Enzyme Nutrition Axiom formulated by Dr. Edward Howell Vitamins, minerals and all kinds of

Use Natural Healing for Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Luella May, Guest Writer Waking Times Anxiety disorders are characterized by an overwhelming sense of apprehension. Sometimes such apprehension may become constant. Numerous physical symptoms may accompany anxiety with over 100 physical anxiety symptoms reported, including muscle tightness, heart palpitations, chest tightness/pain, dizziness, numbness, tingling, and electric shock feelings. Anxiety disorders often tend to progress

Compiled Proof that Natural Healing is Embedded in Nature, Natural Foods

Mike Barrett Waking Times Disease rates are skyrocketing, particularly chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. With an estimated half of all US adults to face diabetes by 2020, it would seem that there is little hope for slowing down the rampant onslaught of lifestyle-connected conditions. It may be that our continued distancing from nature is

Holistic Treatment for Depression Includes Acupuncture

Elizabeth Renter Waking Times A study released last week shows promising results for pregnant women suffering from depression. According to the research, published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, acupuncture is effective in treating depression holistically in pregnant women. The information showing that holistic treatment for depression includes acupuncture comes at a time when growing research is questioning the safety of

Can Spirulina Reverse Severe Radiation Poisoning?

According to Bodri, “Health restoration was reported even when radiation sickness was so advanced that the children’s eyes were bulging out of their sockets.” And the results occurred despite ongoing radiation exposure from contaminated food and water.

Based on the Minsk results, the Belarus Ministry of Health concluded that spirulina accelerates the evacuation of radionuclides from the human body, without adverse side effects. Spirulina was particularly efficient at deactivating radioactive caesium from their bodies.

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