TAG: memories

New Brain Tech Reveals Past Thoughts and Memories

Nicholas West, Guest Waking Times An alarming new study (posted in full below) illustrates how fast neuroscience is developing in its attempt to uncover every aspect of the human brain. A specific brain wave called P300 has been identified by researchers as a marker that essentially encodes what we observe as we go about our

What Is Consciousness?

Konstantin Eriksen, Guest Writer Waking Times  Physics generally ignores it. Medicine frowns upon it. If people could actually change their emotions and thoughts using the principle of “mind over matter,” what would happen to the pharmaceutical drug business, psychiatrists, “therapists,” psychologists, and the like? Most of them would be out of business quickly and only the best

Quantum Physics, Consciousness, and How Manifestation Happens – with Amit Goswami

Tim Chrisco, Guest Writer Waking Times In the following series of videos Professor Amit Goswami describes the process of, for lack of a better word, enlightenment. In his description he gives us a clear understanding of how our consciousness interacts with the world, and how enlightenment occurs. It turns out, according to Professor Goswami, that achieving

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