TAG: hemp

Thirteen Things You May Not Know About Cannabis

Laurel Dewey, The Weed Blog Waking Times 1. Smoking marijuana is actually the least effective way to benefit from the medicinal power of marijuana. Opt for liquid extracts, cannabis butters or medicated oils to truly gain the deepest use from this healing plant. 2. The term “marijuana” is actually a Mexican slang term that the

Hemp – The Answer To Sustainable Living

Becca Wolford, Contributing Writer Waking Times “We are using up the resources of 1.5 planets. That is a long way from sustainability. Every product made takes something from the planet that we can’t give back. So think twice before you buy anything. Think about what went into making that product. Buy better quality, but buy

The History of Hemp

Becca Wolford, Contributing Writer Waking Times Yes, it’s that time of the year – when we celebrate the history of the wonderful plant we know as hemp. This is the third annual Hemp History Week, and this week is dedicated to education, awareness, health and wellness, and the  movement to let our farmers grow hemp

5 Ways Hemp Will Change Our World

Currently in the United States of America it is illegal to grow Hemp. Clear cutting forests, burning fossil fuels, spraying large amounts of pesticides; all these things and more can be avoided from the production and usage of hemp plants. To clarify, I am talking about Hemp, not Marijuana. Hemp will not get you high, Hemp does not contain enough THC to get you high, if you were to smoke it; you would probably just end up with a headache.

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