TAG: helath

Ultrasound – One of The Worst Things You Can Do To a Developing Fetus

Erin Schumacher, Guest Waking Times If you had to guess – what would you say is one of the worst things you could do to a developing fetus? Smoking cigarettes? Drinking alcohol? Heavy lifting? Falling down a flight of stairs? Sure – these are all dangerous things to do while pregnant, but another thing that

Use Natural Healing for Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Luella May, Guest Writer Waking Times Anxiety disorders are characterized by an overwhelming sense of apprehension. Sometimes such apprehension may become constant. Numerous physical symptoms may accompany anxiety with over 100 physical anxiety symptoms reported, including muscle tightness, heart palpitations, chest tightness/pain, dizziness, numbness, tingling, and electric shock feelings. Anxiety disorders often tend to progress

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