TAG: future

15 Futuristic Technologies You’ll See in Your Lifetime

Video – From the possible colonisation of other worlds to clothes that will automatically clean themselves when you step into sunlight, here’s a video of 15 futuristic technologies predicted that we’ll see within the next 50 years.

Living in a Resource Based Economy

Video – We are intrinsically connected to the planet. How do we go about living in a way that allows the human race to live well?

Creating the Future With the Moment Before Us

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times The future is often on our minds, whether or not we are thinking about the many global crises and how they will affect our world. Are we creating the future this very second or is the script already written? If it is it written, does it allow for possibilities and

Canadian Robot Producer First To Denounce Killer Robots

Nicholas West, Guest Waking Times One could debate the overall merits or failings of robotic systems, but one area that clearly has become a point for concern on all sides is the idea of “killer robots.” According to robotics pioneer, David Hanson, we are on a collision course with exponential growth in computing and technology

The Future Is the Farmer

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times At a farmer’s fair in Krakow, South Poland, in early May, I spoke to a Romanian peasant. He was demonstrating clay pot making using a foot treadle to spin the plate upon which the pots were being formed by his deft hands. I remarked how attractive I found this technology

Future Shocked

Aaron Hoopes, Contributor Waking Times In 1970 Alvin Toffler wrote a book titled Future Shock. In the book, Toffler defined the term “future shock” as a psychological state of individuals and, indeed, entire societies. It refers to what happens to people when they are no longer able to cope with the pace of change in

How To Know What You Want

Soren Dreier, Contributing Writer Waking Times There are a lot of different angles out there, more or less new age, more or less sober, that bend the law of attraction into a washed-out cliché of a non-working law. In order to attract or manifest what we want in this life, I think a very good

Marijuana Legalization is Not Enough! Envisioning a Post-Prohibition World

Martin A. Lee, Reality Sandwich Waking Times  Pot-smokers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your pipe dreams. Marijuana legalization is a beginning, not an end. When residents of Colorado and Washington voted to legalize the adult use of cannabis, it felt like a momentary rush of sobriety in a country dazed

A Day in the Life of a Resource-Based Economy

You wake up. You make your coffee. You read the paper. You see something that mentions Hawaii. You think “I’d love to go to Hawaii!” So you go online and you make a reservation. It doesn’t cost anything, but you have to make it in advance so that you get in the queue.

No, thanks!
