TAG: fracking

Fracking Main Street: New Report Shows Social Costs for Rural Communities

Sharon Kelly, DeSmogBlog Waking Times What’s it like living in a small town that’s gone from rust belt farmland to fracking boomtown? First, residents often say, there’s the traffic.  Communities have been unexpectedly flooded with heavy tractor trailers that locals say turn 10 minute commutes into hour-long ordeals, choke back roads and decimate pavement so

Fracking Away Our Water Supply

Farron Cousins, DeSmogBlog Waking Times As many areas of the country experience severe droughts, the fight for clean, fresh water is becoming vital to survival for many American citizens.  The problem has been made worse by the expansion of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), which gobbles up hundreds of millions (billions, according to some estimates) of gallonsof potable water

USGS Study Connects Earthquake Risk To Fracking Wastewater Injection

Laurel Whitney, DeSmogBlog Waking Times A new study out in Science by US Geological Survey scientist William Ellsworth links earthquakes to wastewater injection sites. These earthquakes, thought to be caused by pressure changes due to excess fluid injected deep below the surface, are being dubbed “man-made” earthquakes. It’s not the first time scientists have used that moniker, as earthquakes

Fracking: A Deadly Power Surge

Jill Richardson, Guest Waking Times Jacki Schilke was suffering from symptoms ranging from rashes, pain, and lightheadedness to dental problems and urinating blood. The formerly healthy, 53-year-old cattle rancher’s body was under assault from a list of toxic chemicals as long as your arm. But Schilke’s lucky — so far — compared to five of her

Contaminated Water, Land Damage, and Earthquakes: The Legacy of Waste Injection Wells

Elizabeth Hand, De Smog Blog Waking Times Early scientific analysis predicted that the risks associated with hazardous waste injection wells would be negligible. Unfortunately, experience has indicated that disposing of hazardous waste deep underground has been linked to water contamination, destroyed ecosystems, toxic leaks and earthquakes. Now we are learning that there is a difference between scientific

Fracking, Fracking and More Fracking

Stefanie Spear, Guest Waking Times It’s virtually impossible these days to read, listen to or watch a news program that doesn’t mention hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Nearly every day, EcoWatch posts at least one article on fracking and last week was no different. Big news last week was the announcement by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that

Hydro-Fracking – Boom or Bust?

James Hall, Contributor Waking Times The economics of oil or natural gas hydrofracking are seldom analyzed from the perspective of the American consumer. Most discussions focus upon the investment opportunities of specific companies, royalties to leaseholders, windfall tax revenues that state governments will benefit from and the bonanza that local communities will enjoy from the

Radioactive Waste From the Marcellus Shale Continues to Draw Concern

Sharon Kelly, Desmog Blog Waking Times Amid all the pushback to fracking, most of the attention has focused on what drillers put into the ground. The amount of water used. The chemicals that make up energy companies’ secret mix. Whether these dangerous chemicals will contaminate our drinking water. But one of the biggest problems of

Faster Drilling, Diminishing Returns in Shale Fracking Plays Nationwide?

Sharon Kelly, DeSmogBlog Waking Times Today’s shale gas boom has brought a surge of drilling across the US, driving natural gas prices to historic lows over the past couple of years. But, according to David Hughes, geoscientist and fellow at the Post Carbon Institute, in the future, we can expect at least the same frenzied rate of drilling

5 Fracking Consequences You’ve Never Heard About

Lisa Garber, Natural Society Waking Times We know fracking isn’t exactly the safest of practices. We’ve heard of its propensity to pollute our air and drinking water and thereby raise human health concerns. The media, however, isn’t talking about the massive sinkholes pockmarking the nation, the radiation leaks, and other lesser known but no less earth-shattering effects

Fracking Up The Future of Pennsylvania

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times Fracking, or hydraulic gas fracturing, is the process of extracting natural gas from shale rock layers deep within the earth. The process pumps pressurized hazardous chemicals down into the ground which then forces a soup of hazardous chemicals mixed with oil and gas to be extracted from the rock

Why Is the Media Ignoring the Mass Sinkholes Popping Up Around the Country?

Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society Waking Times  Have you heard of the massive sinkholes popping up around the nation? Flammable craters spanning acres wide and leaking radiation, monster sinkholes described as ‘apocalyptic’ have forced residents out of homes, expelled radiation into the environment, and are now ushering in concerns about serious Earth changes in the near future.

Deepening Doubts About Fracked Shale Gas Wells’ Long Term Prospects

Brendan Demelle, Desmog Blog Waking Times This month, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection released its bi-annual report on how much natural gas has been produced in the Marcellus Shale, a rock formation which stretches underneath much of Appalachia. Investors were shocked because the production numbers seemed far lower than expected.  Watched closely by market

Fighting Fracking in South Africa and Beyond

Eileen Flanagan, Waging Nonviolence Contributor Waking Times South Africa announced Friday that it would lift its moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, the controversial natural gas extraction technique known as “fracking.” In response, Treasure the Karoo Action Group (TKAG) is launching a legal battle to protect the ecologically-sensitive, arid area in the Karoo region of the Eastern

Will Fracking Affect My Family?

Laura Grace Weldon, Guest Writer Waking Times  Have you heard about fracking? It may seem like it will have no impact on your or your family. But take a look at the facts. A dairy farm not far from us is the first in our area to begin hydraulic fracturing. This process was developed to

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