TAG: evolution

Trust and Connect

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times We do get a bit bruised by life. How could we not? We’re here at a profound time; a time when people are in need of an actual ray of hope. While we can’t offer a solution to another’s life, we can offer our calmness, our encouragement, and whatever information

The Maturation of the Soul

Eric Allen Bell, Guest Writer Waking Times The nature of consciousness is that it evolves.  Everything is comprised of consciousness.  Non-local consciousness is the ground of all being.  You are an expression of the infinite consciousness that knows no boundaries.  That which looks out through your eyes, that which seems like individual consciousness, evolves.  It

The Metaphysics of a Paradigm Shift in Consciousness

Stuart Wilde Waking Times When people talk about a paradigm shift, they mean a shift in the recognized pattern of things, which we can say is the ‘standard model’ that forms the basis of people’s comprehension and understanding. We are in the process of mankind’s biggest consciousness shift in history. The reason being, as I

The Virtue of Dissent: A New Concept of Moralism

Z, Contributing Writer Waking Times “Disobedience, the rarest and most courageous of the virtues, is seldom distinguished from neglect, the laziest and commonest of the vices.” – George Bernard Shaw “At this point in history the capacity to doubt, to criticize and to disobey may be all that stands between a future for mankind and the

Spirit Tap – How the Manipulators Steal Your Fight

Zen Gardner Ever wonder about all these rousing freedom fighting movies and “outnumbered little guy gets back” scenarios? Don’t they seem counter-productive to the cause of the contained control world we’re being shoe-horned into by the hour? In a world of manipulation and social engineering, why would so many heavily promoted dramas regarding rebellion against

Psychedelic Drugs – Strong Health Warning!

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times It feels important to raise the topic of psychedelic drugs and their involvement in spiritual awakening. It seems to be a growing trend for evolving people to want to short-cut the natural evolutionary process by involvement with transcendental experiences induced by drugs such as Ayahuasca and DMT. Openhand’s direct experience

How Near-Death Experiences Transform People

PMH Atwater Waking Times My research has shown me that the near-death experience is not some kind of anomaly, but is, rather, part of the larger genre of transformations of consciousness. The clue most researchers miss is stress; specifically, the intensity which comes from that stress (known in shamanism as “high stress”). The entire pattern

Five Steps Toward Decolonizing Gaia and Rewilding Mankind

Z, Contributing Writer Waking Times  The cosmos will always be greater than our microcosmic perspectives can possibly allow, but allow it we must. “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” –Mark Twain “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent… It is

Modern Lifestyles And The Devolution Of The Human Species

Jamie Ann Montiel, Prevent Disease Waking Times The connections between the rising rates of chronic disease and the production and consumption of modern foods can no longer be ignored. Our food supply is not healthy, nor is it sustainable. It has changed so dramatically that we have yet to adapt to the changes. Our food supply

Do We Dare Keep Our Hearts Open?

Zen Gardner Funny how things evolve in the pursuit of truth. We’re emotional beings. That’s why the matrix makes everything out to be so cold and scientific. When I watch certain movies or musical presentations or see a touching human moment I get emotional. I can’t help it. People are emotional, I’m emotional, and I

Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny!

Annemarie Colbin, Ph.D. Waking Times How living things get to be what they are is a question that has occupied philosophers and scientists for a very long time.  In the past two or three hundred years, the focus has been on what Gregor Mendel has called units of heredity, or the physical elements that are

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