TAG: depression

10 Ways to Treat Depression Without Antidepressants

Sarah Landrum, Contributor Waking Times You’ve probably been told that antidepressants correct the chemical imbalance in your brain. As it turns out, that’s not quite true. In fact, antidepressants might be doing you more harm than good. Even if antidepressants do work, the fact remains that they’re insanely expensive. Considering how depression treatments can last

New Research Reveals the Real Causes of Depression

Dr. Mercola – Contrary to popular belief, depression is not likely caused by unbalanced brain chemicals; however there are a number of other biological factors that appear to be highly significant.

Is Our Society Manufacturing Depressed People?

Mel Schwartz, Guest Waking Times An Epidemic of Depression Our society is in the throes of a virtual epidemic of depression. The numbers are quite staggering. More than twenty percent of the American population will experience at least one episode of what we refer to as clinical depression. We need to look deeper into this

What If Everything We Know About Treating Depression Is Wrong?

Cliff Weathers, AlterNet Waking Times Scientific studies indicate that current medications target the wrong parts of the brain. A new study is challenging the relationship between depression and an imbalance of serotonin levels in the brain, and brings into doubt how depression has been treated in the U.S. over the past 20 years. Researchers at

Vitamin D for Depression, Dementia, and Diabetes

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Vitamin D research has repeatedly shown that vitamin D can improve a number of brain disorders, including depression and dementia—the most devastating form of which is Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin D receptors appear in a wide variety of brain tissue early in the fetal development, and activated vitamin D receptors increase nerve growth in

Cannabis Treats Anxiety, Depression And Activates Pathways That Regulate Emotional Behavior

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Despite the myths we’ve heard throughout our lives about cannabis killing brain cells, it turns out that a growing number of studies seem to indicate that cannabis actually has neuroprotective properties. Cannabis has an incredible ability to regulate emotional behavior and may be the most reliable medicinal plant available

Further Proof Psychedelic Mushrooms Could Help Keep You Sane

Elizabeth Limbach, AlterNet Waking Times Researchers looked at psilocybin’s impact on anxiety and depression. Anxiety disorders top the list of America’s mental illnesses, affecting 18 percent of the U.S. population. Yet, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, only a third of its sufferers receive treatment for it. Meanwhile, the association reports that 3 to

This Is What Happens To Your Cells When You Experience Happiness

D. Marianna Pochelli, Prevent Disease Waking Times Too much research has been devoted to the science of stress, depression and the connection to disease and not enough to the biology of joy. If a greater emphasis was placed on why we don’t go to doctors when we are feeling optimistic, happy, and joyful, there would

The Epidemic Abuse of ADHD Meds, Anxiety Pills & Painkillers in America

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Far from being recognized for their potential health hazards, ADHD drugs have gained a reputation as “cognition enhancers” among students and young professionals. Narcotic painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs, and antidepressants are also notoriously overprescribed, which I’ll address below. According to data from IMS Health,1 a whopping 48.4 million prescriptions for ADHD stimulants were

Is Eating Wheat at the Root of Your Depression?

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times How ironic it would be for the most prized food of Western culture — wheat — to be at the root of the global epidemic of depression? The powerful neurotoxic and psychoactive properties of wheat have only recently come to light. For many decades the near exclusive focus was on

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