TAG: death

Clarifying the Meaning of Universal Oneness

James C. Wilhelm, Contributor Waking Times I recently wrote an article published by Waking Times that has generated many excellent responses for which I am deeply grateful. The large number of responses and questions generated by this piece, titled The Implications of Universal Oneness, have prompted me to write this article. This is not a response to

Tweeting Our Way to Oblivion

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times People behaving like birds should mark a step forward in the evolutionary capacity of the human race. After all, birds sing melodiously at dawn and dusk, swoop majestically in the open sky, and build their nests using only their beaks. I doubt that most humans could build such nests even using

Death By Fear

Sharon Chayra, The Shaman’s Well Waking Times In a span of nearly half a century, I’ve said a number of goodbyes. Some to friends I never saw beyond kindergarten and to others when my extended stay in England was complete. There were the polite goodbyes with employers for whom I, or they, were no longer

9 Ways to Deepen Healing with Cannabis and Consciousness

Uwe Blesching Ph.D., Contributor Waking Times The clinical cannabis experience and consciousness research have independently demonstrated 9 mechanisms to deepen our healing process. Each of these mechanisms are subject to conscious intervention, and the more we know and understand about them the easier we can achieve the kind of healing that goes beyond the mere

Looking Into the Face of Death

Julie Hoyle, Guest Writer Waking Times In early 1993, for at least six months I kept having different forms of the same lucid dream that would go something like this: I would be standing on the shoreline looking out at the ocean, watching in trepidation as a huge, dark tornado was forming. Growing in power

What Lives On? Investigating Life After Death

Robert Schoch, New Dawn Waking Times Do we survive the death of our physical bodies? Is there such a thing as a postmortem continuation of the individual? If there is survival, what survives? Does everyone survive? What does it even mean to survive? Answers to these questions are central to the dogmas of many religions. These

The Scientific Proof of the Existence of the Soul

Debbie West, Guest Writer Waking Times Michael Hathaway, author of 10 books on psychic development, past lives, regression, hypnosis and spirituality, and a board certified Past Life Regression Therapist is one of the most respected hypnotists in the country. He published a book entitled, “It’s Time to Simplify Your Soul’s Code”, an easy how-to guide

Near Death Experiences – Where Science Can’t Go, Mystics Can

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times The largest study in the world on NDEs to date is currently underway. It is a three year study, with one year to go. It’s taking place in the UK and US, and is studying cardiac arrest patients to see if those who are clinically dead can have out-of-body experiences.

Die Before You Die

Konstantin Eriksen, Guest Writer Waking Times “Die before you die” is a famous zen saying. It is a strange phrase, it sounds pessimistic. And yet, if you truly try to understand it, you realize its true meaning and its ability to transform your life. Have you ever seen somebody transform completely? Perhaps you know somebody who was

Death and the After Life

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Waking Times  Everyday in your sleep, nature provides you a tiny glimpse of death. Death is akin to sleep. Sleep provides you deep rest. Sleep heals you, comforts you, and makes you fresh for the next day. Similarly, death provides rest to your soul. What is death? It means dropping the past. You

‘Proof of Heaven’ Documents Existence of Afterlife, Multiverse, Intelligent Life Beyond Earth, Multidimensional Realities

Mike Adams, Divinity Now Waking Times  There’s a secret that’s much bigger than politics, health freedom, science or even the entire history of the human race. That secret remains entirely unacknowledged — even condemned — by the scientific community, and yet it is the single most important secret about everything that is. Yes, everything. That

Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul

Ian Lawton, New Dawn Waking Times Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation. Although this phenomenon can be traced back to various esoteric movements that flourished from the second half of the 19th century, it gained significant ground with the explosion of popular interest

What Happens When I Die?

Eric Allen Bell, GlobalOneTV Waking Times In order to answer the question, “What happens when I die?” I feel it is important to take a look at something a bit less speculative and that is the question of what happens when we live. There is no way to understand death if you don’t know what

No Need To Dread Death

Waking Times Being aware of dying does not mean fearing it but realising that it’s a part of the renewal process of the universe. Death is not a subject we often think about or are even comfortable talking about. In fact, a number of contemporary sociologists believe that despite widespread liberalization of thought in modern

The Sutra of Golden Light: Passing From This Life to the Next

Anthony Guilbert’, Contributing Writer Waking Times In the ‘Sutra of Golden Light’ Guatama Siddhartha, the Shakyamuni Buddha invites anyone experiencing misery and affliction, bad health, poverty, loss, abuse, ill will, fear, nightmares, or any other harm to hear his words. He states: “To these sentient beings I shall reveal this sutra called ‘Sublime Golden Light,’ which

Death as an Ally – How Shamans Perceive Death

Howard G. Charing, Guest Writer Waking Times  In traditional wisdom and knowledge, life is a continuum that does not end at the moment of death. One of the most important traditional tasks of the seer, shaman, medicine man or woman is to assist people who are either dying or the spirits of those who have

How Psychedelic Drugs Can Help Patients Face Death

Grof kept careful notes of his many psychedelic sessions, and in his various papers and books derived from those sessions, he described cancer patients clenched with fear who, under the influence of LSD or DPT, experienced relief from the terror of dying — and not just during their psychedelic sessions but for weeks and months afterward. Grof continued his investigations into psychedelics for the dying until the culture caught up with him — the recreational use of drugs and the reaction against them leading to harsh antidrug laws.

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