TAG: culture

The Culture of Maximum Harm

Daniel Quinn – People have lived many different ways on this planet, but about ten thousand years ago there appeared one people who believed everyone in the world should live a single way—their way…

Changing Your Culture

Steve Pavlina – If you were to design your own human culture, what would you include? What would you leave out?

All The World’s A Cult

Zen Gardner – Religions don’t have a corner on the market. Perhaps all of us have been cult-ivated in some way.

You May Wake Up… But Will You Get Out of Bed?

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Each one of us came here with a purpose. Either we decided, or a higher being decided on our behalf, that our spirit would attach to a particular physical body which would manifest itself through the act of conjugation between a particular man and a particular woman. Well yes, you

Depth, Substance & Authenticity – Re-Evaluating Success

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times We all want it, but it keeps changing. Once we get it, it pops up again in another form, down the road, waiting. More than just a concept, it becomes one’s measure and life’s purpose. Did I achieve it this year? Will I do it the next? If I do

Let Love be Your Prayer

OSHO Waking Times Love is risky. To love is to move into danger-because you cannot control it, it is not safe. It is not within your hands. It is unpredictable. Somehow, from the very childhood, we are being crippled. Our roots with the heart are cut. We are forced towards the head and we are

Culture is Not Your Friend

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times Culture is not your friend – said Terence McKenna. He was right of course. Our culture is not our friend. Our culture is the canvas on which we find ourselves trying to paint the picture of who we are. Some seed of awareness within knows we are here to create

Morsels of Knowledge Banquets of Ignorance: Scientific Fallacies Exposed

Richard Heinberg, New Dawn Waking Times [Humankind] approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors. – Aldous Huxley, “Wordsworth in the Tropics” A state of thoroughly conscious ignorance is the prelude to every real advance of knowledge. – James Clerk Maxwell Culture consists, in large measure, of commonly shared sets of assumptions and expectations about reality.

Why Does Society Think I’m Some Kind of Freak for Abstaining From Alcohol?

Andrew Beale, AlterNet Waking Times  No one ever asks me why I don’t shoot heroin. Everyone in my circle intuitively understands that heroin is extremely destructive. It’s highly addictive, disastrous for your health, there’s a huge risk of overdose — and the question of using it never comes up. But in the nearly three years

Waking Times Exclusive Interview with Activist and Author J.G. Vibes

J.G. Vibes is a vocal activist, author of dozens of eye-opening articles about our society and culture, and the author of the recently published book, The Alchemy of the Modern Renaissance. He also promotes raves, all-night dance music parties, is an aficionado of electronic music and has a high appreciation for artwork that points at overlooked truths in our world.

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