TAG: children

ADHD is the New Education

Jon Rappoport – The unhinging of the young mind from any semblance of accomplishment and continuity goes beyond the agenda of outfitting children to be worker-drones in a controlled society.

Is Medical Cannabis Safe for Children and Young People?

Kent Mao – Success stories of medical marijuana use in children range from the treatment of disorders that affect classroom performance such as autism and ADHD to life-threatening conditions such as epilepsy and cancer.

3 Children Whose Stories Support the Case for Reincarnation

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Past-life recognition in children is being studied extensively by various scientists and psychiatrists around the world to prove the survival of consciousness beyond the physical realm. Reincarnation research was advanced by Dr. Ian Stevenson in the 1960’s, who interviewed thousands of people who had recollections of past lives. Dr. Stevenson

Child Prodigies and the Assault on Creativity

Andy Dilks, Staff Writer Waking Times When you think of a child prodigy, you usually think of an exceptional young talent which has been recognised in a person’s early life and nurtured by those around them, who encourage their latent abilities to blossom and grow. Mozart, of course, springs immediately to mind – a rare

The Gentle Warriors of the New Dawn

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times Recently I’ve come across a lot of young people between the age of 17 – 26 that seem to be on a holding pattern. It took me a while to connect the dots, until it revealed a synchronicity. I’m talking about young people seeking advice on the journey through life.

7 Ways Our Children Are Being Brainwashed

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times From birth, virtually all of us have been brainwashed through various outlets that encourage materialism, ego, subservience, control and conformity. But where do the origins of mind control begin and what can we do about it? 1. Religion As children, the brainwashing begins in the church when we

The Effects of Video Games on Children’s Brains

Drew, 4Mind4Life Waking Times As the number of people playing video games rises, the impact of video games on the human brain becomes a more intriguing research area. Video games are gaining popularity with both children and adults. There is concern among the public that the brutality portrayed on television, as well as within video games, encourages

When Children Misbehave

Anthony Sammeroff, Contributor Waking Times “What should I do when my children misbehave?” a client asks during a communication coaching session. If we agree that the use of force, threats and punishments are not favourable approaches because they damage the relationship between parent and child, and that bribing children will only turn them into sneaky

How to Talk to Kids About the Police State

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer Waking Times While many adults would prefer to ignore it, a police state has already risen amongst the once free nations of the West. The legal framework and technology for this advanced big brother nightmare has been developing for decades, and as such, it is unlikely that the trend towards even

The Missing Dimension of the Education Debate

Patricia Jennings, Guest Waking Times The national debate on how to improve our education system is very vibrant and visible these days. It focuses on salient issues like testing, teacher pay and job security in a difficult economy, and other mounting stresses on teachers and students. Half of new teachers to leave the profession in

Indigo Children and the 3 Stages of Life in a Capitalistic Industrial Society

Kees Deckers, Contributor Waking Times So-called new-age and spiritualistic believers think that new generations of children are more intelligent than past generations of children. Although it is important to finally start recognising that children are human and no less stupid than their so-called elders, I doubt very much that this is the case. But again

Ultrasound – One of The Worst Things You Can Do To a Developing Fetus

Erin Schumacher, Guest Waking Times If you had to guess – what would you say is one of the worst things you could do to a developing fetus? Smoking cigarettes? Drinking alcohol? Heavy lifting? Falling down a flight of stairs? Sure – these are all dangerous things to do while pregnant, but another thing that

Developing Extra Perceptive Children for a Changing World

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Now, more than ever, it’s wise to encourage our children’s faculties of perception, some of which are called extra-sensory. They’re not really extra, as we know… they’re natural. Just in the course of accomplishing daily activities, we can create situations and games that affirm and strengthen a child’s natural abilities of

10 Ways to Protect Children From Pesticides

Pesticide Action Network Waking Times  Today’s children are sicker than children were two generations ago. From learning disabilities and autism to childhood cancers and more, a startling number of diseases and disorders are on the rise. And the science leaves little room for doubt: pesticides and other toxic chemicals are contributing to our kids getting sick, and

Shelter From Commercialism – Five Ways Frugal Living Benefits Kids

Laura Grace Weldon, Guest Writer Waking Times Sophie is a single mother raising a five-year-old boy. She’s working to establish her own house cleaning business after losing her job nearly two years ago. Sophie and her son live in a small trailer home. Marissa and Jack run a thriving dental practice while raising five-year-old twin

Changing the Cycle of Fear for Our Children

Bohemian Mom Waking Times In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. –Bill Cosby My children enjoy a great deal of freedom. When I was child, we also had freedom. It was OK to take a bus alone, walk slowly to a friend’s house exploring along the

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