Do You Really Want to Eat Hot Dogs After Knowing This?

Dr. Mercola Waking Times The hot dog is one of America’s most popular foods, with the average person consuming 50 of them per year. Hot dogs are one of the most nutritionally bankrupt foods. Yet for decades, they’ve been given a free pass, granted one pardon after another thanks to their towering status in American

The Alarming Truth About Supermarket Meat

Deane Alban, Contributor Waking Times The meat you get at the supermarket bears little resemblance to the meat our ancestors ate. And this has profound health implications that most people don’t realize. The Meat Our Ancestors Ate Throughout most of human history, if you wanted meat for dinner, some of your tribesmen had to go

Appalling Lack of Progress in Factory Farm Policies Despite Increased Public Awareness

Kaye Spector, EcoWatch Waking Times A comprehensive analysis of the U.S. meat, egg and dairy industries in 2008 excoriated  producers for their business practices. A new assessment of progress since then says industrial livestock production remains just as destructive, and little has been done to address any of the problems. The report, from Johns Hopkins University Center for a

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