TAG: awareness

The Heart and Knowing Mind of Divine Awareness in the Body

Peter Borys, Jr., Guest Waking Times The future of humanity is an awakening of heart consciousness. Within the heart, we open to a higher dimension of our mind that intends, knows, and acts beyond thinking. Since humanity has been conditioned in a narrow range of fear-based conflict, control, and separation through a dualistic thinking mind, it

Mysticism and Ordinary Consciousness

Emmanuel Karavousanos, Contributor Waking Times In reading, hearing and watching the news of the day, we learn of the horrors that go on in our world. Though much of the news is all too troubling, there is also some that is good and often, promising. Perhaps the good can be greatly expanded if we, individually,

Managing States of Consciousness With Meditation

Dr. Sunil Sharma, Guest Writer Waking Times  Meditation is often associated with either relaxation or spirituality. It can be either a relaxation technique or a spiritual practice – both of these are just specific applications of meditation. Meditation is a method of changing your state of consciousness. Many texts commonly refer to the three ‘normal’

Making Money and Living the Lie

Barbara H. Peterson, Guest Writer Waking Times  Compromise. That’s what it’s all about, eh? We are taught from early on that the only way to get along is to go along. Meet halfway, in the middle. Don’t be such a stickler. Nothing is so sacred or important that it cannot stand a little compromise. And just

Everything Vibrates

J. Speer-Williams, Veterans Today Waking Times Good, Better, Best Vibrations Someone once wrote … “The truth has a certain elegance and restraint to it. Sometimes it can be a little rough because truth doesn’t spend in any time in makeup as lies do. Lies require cosmetics and strategic lighting. Truth posses its own beauty without

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

S. Ali Myers, Guest Writer Waking Times What is the subconscious mind?  What does the subconscious mind do?  Your subconscious mind is your ultimate video, voice, and thought recorder.  From this lifetime and before, your subconscious mind has recorded everything that you’ve seen, heard, thought or experienced. So why haven’t you heard more about the subconscious

The Tao of Trusting and Letting Go

David James Lees, Guest Writer Waking Times  Trust is one of the most profound emotional energies that I encounter throughout my professional career and it forms a fundamental part my ‘Wu Wei Wisdom’ model of personal and spiritual development. In my client sessions and public talks and workshops I’m regularly asked: “how can I trust…?” (often in

Does Mindfulness Stress You Out?

Brad Waters, Guest Writer Waking Times Sounds like a paradox, right? By all common logic, we shouldn’t be stressed out if we’re practicing mindfulness or meditation. We hear over and over in the news how those practices are supposed to help us relax. Yet I hear over and over from clients that the whole concept of

The Heart Has Its Own “Brain” and Consciousness

In5D Waking Times Many believe that conscious awareness originates in the brain alone. Recent scientific research suggests that consciousness actually emerges from the brain and body acting together. A growing body of evidence suggests that the heart plays a particularly significant role in this process. Far more than a simple pump, as was once believed,

Easy Ways to Develop Intuition with Meditation

Ann Logsdon, EdS, Guest Writer Waking Times  Developing intuition doesn’t require years of practice or complex meditative routines. These easy strategies tell how to improve intuition. Developing intuition, according to most books on the topic, requires daily meditation, probably involves yoga, includes a vegan diet, and works best in a remote setting like Tibet. People

Unplugged From Nature

All living things are connected by the life force that flows through them. If you can imagine this connection as billions and billions of tiny web-like fibers linking all things in creation, you can begin to understand how we are intertwined. This web of life is made up of the life force energy that is part of everything. And every living thing is part of it. The plants and animals of the world, including humans, all have a relationship to each other.


For me, questions are the way we activate our thought processes but they should not be necessarily considered answerable. After all, how could one expect the finite to comprehend the infinite?

Elevating Consciousness – A Primer for Beginners

The purpose of this primer, is to help people begin the journey towards higher consciousness. It suggests several exercises which assist in establishing habits and skills that will lay the groundwork for self-development of consciousness. Although the journey is not a short one, the long-term rewards are priceless.

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