TAG: archetypes

The Zombie Meme & Collective Psychosis

Robert Bonomo – The zombie meme is pointing to a fear that something has broken in our culture and what awaits us is a collective psychotic break of apocalyptic proportions.

Is Matriotism The Future of The Divine Feminine?

Ethan ‘Indigo’ Smith & Lucy Morales – What we communicate, and how, has the power to change the world. Just as importantly, language, its interpretation and its transformation over time reveals a lot about the collective consciousness of the society that speaks it.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Dream Slayer

Ethan ‘Indigo’ Smith – Rudolph relates an inescapable archetype that has been depicted in fairy tales and films alike, from The Ugly Duckling to any number of Hollywood films…

Spiritual Archetypes – A Doorway to Your Soul

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times  When we step onto the internal super highway of spiritual evolution, we begin to unravel the differences between personality influenced desires and authentic inner yearnings of the soul. Every moment presents an opportunity to shed behaviours which no longer serve and instead allow divine beingness to shine forth. This continual

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