TAG: anti-inflammatory

Top Anti-Inflammatory Foods, Herbs, and Spices

Dr. Mercola – It’s important to realize that chronic inflammation is the source of many if not most diseases, including cancer, obesity, and heart disease, which essentially makes it the leading cause of death in the US.

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet is a Key to Good Health

Mae Chan, Prevent Disease Waking Times It doesn’t have a catchy name or a trendy following to drop a size, but when it comes to your health, it’s one of the most effective diets in the world. Proponents of the diet say it can reduce heart disease risk, keep existing cardiac problems in check, reduce

Top 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

Kris Gunnars, Guest Waking Times Turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. Many high quality studies show that it has major benefits for your body and brain. Here are the top 10 evidence-based health benefits of turmeric. 1. Turmeric Contains Bioactive Compounds With Powerful Medicinal Properties Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its

Psychobiotics: Bacteria For Your Brain?

Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D., Green Med Info Waking Times Every functional medicine psychiatrist has case stories of the ‘probiotic cure’ – of a patient with debilitating symptoms, often obsessive compulsive range, whose symptoms remitted completely with dietary change and probiotic supplementation. Is this voodoo or is it based on a growing understanding of the role

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