TAG: after life

3 Children Whose Stories Support the Case for Reincarnation

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Past-life recognition in children is being studied extensively by various scientists and psychiatrists around the world to prove the survival of consciousness beyond the physical realm. Reincarnation research was advanced by Dr. Ian Stevenson in the 1960’s, who interviewed thousands of people who had recollections of past lives. Dr. Stevenson

All About Reincarnation

Gregg Prescott, In5D Guest Waking Times Why do we reincarnate? How do our past lives determine what lessons we will learn in the next life? How long do we wait in between lives? Do we know what we will look like? Who helps us decide what life experiences we would like to have? Reincarnation is the

The Sutra of Golden Light: Passing From This Life to the Next

Anthony Guilbert’, Contributing Writer Waking Times In the ‘Sutra of Golden Light’ Guatama Siddhartha, the Shakyamuni Buddha invites anyone experiencing misery and affliction, bad health, poverty, loss, abuse, ill will, fear, nightmares, or any other harm to hear his words. He states: “To these sentient beings I shall reveal this sutra called ‘Sublime Golden Light,’ which

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