TAG: adjuvants

Flu Vaccines Can Make Influenza Worse: Study

Heidi Stevenson, Gaia-Health Waking Times As documented by a new study, getting a flu vaccination can result in coming down with a more virulent influenza. This phenomenon was noted during the swine flu pandemic-that-wasn’t a couple of years ago, but pooh-poohed by skeptics. In the study[1] published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, pigs were given a universal flu

Can We Continue To Justify Injecting Aluminum Into Children?

Sayer Ji Waking Times A new report published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology raises a disturbing possibility: that aluminum hydroxide, the dominant metal-based adjuvant used in vaccines today, is causing aluminum overload at injection sites, and contributing to the pathogenesis of diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, macrophagic myofasciitis and subcutaneous pseudolymphoma. [i] Discussed is

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