Proof That Big Pharma Doesn’t Care About Vaccine Harm
Heidi Stevenson, Gaia-Health
Waking Times
Big Pharma’s corruption goes back decades. Wyeth’s attempt in 1979 to find a way to make it difficult or impossible to track batches of vaccine when something goes wrong—like when children die—clarifies that there’s nothing new about their willingness to cover up the massive harms done by their products, even when children die from their vaccines.
We know, indirectly, that Big Pharma doesn’t care if vaccines cause harm to us or our children. Parents of autistic children can see that every day of their lives. Those who’ve lost their precious children to vaccines live with the emptiness every day.
Now, though, we have proof that pharmaceutical companies really truly don’t care how much harm they do. It’s contained in an in-house memo from giant pharma company, Wyeth, now part of even bigger pharma giant, Pfizer.
The Tennessee DPT Scandal
In 1978-79, it was revealed that 11 children had died within 8 days of receiving a DPT vaccination, 5 had died from the same lot of vaccine, and 9 died within 24 hours of receiving the shot. Age of Autism quotes from Barbara Loe Fisher and Harris Coulter’s book, A Shot in the Dark1:
This convenient method of reasoning was displayed with particular clarity in connection with the government’s investigation of SIDS deaths in Tennessee. In 1978-79, eleven babies were found to have died within eight days of a DPT vaccination. Nine of the eleven had been vaccinated with the same lot of pertussis vaccine, Wyeth #64201 and five (four from the same lot) had died within twenty-four hours of vaccination.
A statistical analysis of the clustering of deaths revealed that the likelihood of observing four or more deaths occurring randomly on any of the first eight days after the use of lot #64201 was 3 in 100. … E.B. Mortimer later reported that the probability of this being a chance association was even lower — between 2 and 5 in 1,000.1
The statistical evidence in favor of a connection between the deaths and the DPT shot was strong. Would the medical authorities bite the bullet and admit the vaccine was related to the deaths? Absolutely not.
This happened after Wyeth helped push vaccinations by fronting Every Child by Two, an organization that was effective in pushing early vaccinations in children by enlisting the support of former first lady, Rosalynn Carter, actress and vaccine shill, Amanda Peet, and vaccine profiteer, Paul Offit, whose made the absurd, but oft-repeated quote claiming that children could be given 10,000 vaccinations without harm.2
But 11 children died shortly after receiving Wyeth’s DPT vaccine. Wyeth could have taken the high road and focused on finding out why, so that it could be prevented. But that isn’t what they did. Take a look at this in-house Wyeth memo to see their response:

For a copy of the full memo in PDF format, click here.
Take note that, after 11 babies died in Tennessee within 8 days of a DPT vaccination—9 of the deaths from the same lot—the first interest shown by Wyeth at the highest levels was how to hide such events in the future! There’s only one way to interpret this. Wyeth wanted to assure that the adverse effects from bad lots of their vaccine couldn’t be traced back. They were concerned, specifically, with;
… limiting distribution of a large number of vials from a single lot to a single state, county or city health department …
Note that this memo wasn’t written by an underling. Alan Berstein was a Managing Director of Wyeth. Now, if you take a look at the full document, you’ll see that he specified the following should become standard policy:
He stated that permanent policy should become:
- Limiting the maximum number of any delivery to 2,000 packages from a single stock number.
- If additional stock is required to meet a delivery, then the department called FSRD would decide how to handle it.
- If it isn’t possible to meet a delivery under these requirements, then management would decide what to do. But even here, a clear indication of what should be done is to try to arrange a split delivery.
Is there any way of interpreting this other than that Wyeth’s goals were focused on finding a way to cover up future clusters of death after their vaccine?
Do you believe that Wyeth was an exception to the rule—or is this the way that Big Pharma as a whole plays the game? With so much other dishonesty and corruption that’s come to light over the last years, it seems foolish to put your life—or your child’s life—on the line by assuming anything other than the worst from these master marketers of murder.
This article is produced with appreciation to Dan Olmstead of Age of Autism and J.B. Handley of Generation Rescue for digging this story up.
About the Author
Heidi Stevenson is Allopathy’s Gadfly. She’s an iatrogenic survivor whose prior career in computer science, research, and writing was lost as a result. She has turned her skills towards exposing the modern medical scam and the politics surrounding it, along with providing information about the effectiveness of much alternative medicine, without which she would not be here today acting as Allopathy’s Gadfly. Find her work on, where this article was originally featured.
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