Search Results for Taoism

Follow Your Heart: Healing from Cardiovascular Disease with Qi Gong Exercise

Paul Cavel, Contributor Waking Times Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) include hypertension (high blood pressure), coronary heart disease (heart attacks), cerebrovascular disease, peripheral artery disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease and heart failure. Heart Disease: Why Your Cardio Health Matters The World Health Organization reports that “An estimated 17 million people die of CVDs, particularly heart attacks and

Wu Wei is… Loving and Managing Your Ego – Part II

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times Note: This is the second of a series of 3 articles. Please read Part I here, and Part III here. This is the second in a series of blog posts on my Taoist spiritual and professional interpretation of the Ego. In my last blog post I proposed that you could view your mind

Waiting for the End of the World: René Guénon and the Kali Yuga

Richard Smoley, New Dawn Waking Times Currently the fear – or hope – of the closing of the age pervades the air like a thick vapour. Sometimes this end is envisaged as an environmental calamity, sometimes as the second coming of Christ, sometimes as the return of the space brothers to claim their own. Figures

Wu Wei is… Loving and Managing Your Ego

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times Note: This is the first of a series of 3 articles. Please read Part II here, and Part III here. The ‘Ego’ is a term first used in the West by the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud and has now entered mainstream personal-development parlance. Many new clients say to me things like, “I

Wu Wei is…. Expressing Your Creativity Every Day

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times The need for authentic creativity is vital. Ancient Taoists taught that creativity is the vehicle through which we may align and harmonise with the wider Universal vibration of Qi and spiritual energy. My Wu Wei teaching is this… The Way or Tao of the Universe is to create, transform and flow in an energy of

Find Your Truth – The Taoist Teaching of ‘Te’

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times The ancient Chinese Taoist concept of ‘Te’ (pronounced ‘day’) is one of the lesser known but nevertheless vital teachings of Taoist philosophy passed to me by my Masters in the sacred Wudang Mountains of China. You may have encountered the word ‘Te’ when reading the classic Taoist texts the

To Your Nature Be True

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times  “Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly fit your needs?” – Marcus Aurelius If you look back on the life you have lived until now, you will see that everything you have experienced, every choice, every turn, every chance encounter and

The Tao of Men’s Emotional Health and Childhood Education

David James Lees, Guest Writer Waking Times A recent report commissioned by UK charities Relate and Men’s Health Forum highlighted how men are often ‘in the dark’ when it comes to emotional and relationship difficulties in their life, the factors which cause them, and how to effectively deal with them. The report shows how this ignorance can lead to much worse outcomes

Astral Projection Technique – Lucid Dreaming

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Here’s a simple technique through which to become conscious in the astral plane by waking up in a dream, which is commonly known as lucid dreaming. With it, you can carry out exactly the same investigations in the astral world as you would do when you project from your bed.

2013 Year of the Snake – New Year Message of Hope

Hua-Ching Ni, Integral Way Waking Times Editor’s Note: This message comes from the revered Taoist master, Hua-Ching Ni, teacher of The Integral Way. His works are numerous and noble and his timely message of hope about the condition of mankind is worth reflecting upon.  Beloved friends of the Integral Way, New Year 2013 is the

The Tao of Love and Relationships

David James Lees, Guest Writer Waking Times As Valentine’s Day approaches I thought it would be an ideal opportunity to discuss the topic of love and relationships from both my professional experience and a Taoist spiritual perspective. I’d like to focus on the three main areas of ‘emotional misunderstanding’ that I encounter when dealing with love

How Can You Resist the Age of Drones?

Ken Butigan, Waging Nonviolence Contributor Waking Times On Monday President Obama nominated his counterterrorism chief, John O. Brennan, to head the Central Intelligence Agency. Though some civil liberties groups and other critics have raised questions about Brennan’s involvement in the CIA’s practice of torture during the Bush administration, relatively less has been said about his

The Year Begins

Linda George, Contributing Writer Waking Times  I don’t know about you, but it feels to me as if January is slipping away, already way too fast. Days of delicious, lazy summer relaxation (here in the Southern hemisphere) feel so good, and are doubly precious – given the speed with which they are passing. Half way

Spiritual Change is Upon Us

Dr. Eldon Dahl, ND, Prevent Disease Waking Times For a difference of opinion, many tragedies have been committed in history, and when society looks back, it clearly sees the injustices done and justifies it by saying it would not be repeated again, for we as a people have become more enlightened. I, on the other

The Power of Three

David James Lees, Guest Writer Waking Times In my last Wu Wei Wisdom workshop at Peak House Practice I shared with my students the concept of the ‘power of three’, which is the most fundamental Taoist teaching I received from my Master in China and which is as relevant today in the West as it was in

Lucid Dreaming – Listening to the Dreamer

Steve Beyer, Guest Writer Waking Times A lucid dream is one in which the dreamer is aware of being in a dream state while the dream is still in progress. Lucid dreams can be extremely vivid and realistic, depending on the level of self-awareness during the dream. Most strikingly, lucid dreamers report being able to actively participate

The Tao and The Nature of Confusion

Daikan Basho, Contributing Writer Waking Times  We live in a complex world and simplicity is often difficult to come by. This is especially so in the world of intangible ideas about things such as the future. What the world should look like tomorrow. In seeking to manifest tomorrow, we participate in politics, religion, civics, activism, evangelism

The Tao of Trusting and Letting Go

David James Lees, Guest Writer Waking Times  Trust is one of the most profound emotional energies that I encounter throughout my professional career and it forms a fundamental part my ‘Wu Wei Wisdom’ model of personal and spiritual development. In my client sessions and public talks and workshops I’m regularly asked: “how can I trust…?” (often in

Pythagoras – Mad Shaman or Mathematician?

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times  “Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.”  -Werner Heisenberg, Across the Frontiers Buckminster Fuller has described himself as a modern Pythagorean. His geodesic dome has been recreated over 300,000 times according to Other visionaries have identified with Pythagoras too, such as Plato, Leonardo

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