As Gov’t Frames ET’s as Threat, Many Use Higher States of Consciousness to Contact Them
Dylan Charles – Are ET’s a threat or the future of human consciousness?
Dylan Charles – Are ET’s a threat or the future of human consciousness?
Christina Sarich – Human beings were highly consciousness, introspective individuals at least 15,000 years ago
Kingsley L Dennis – Humankind has always been a child of the stars.
Anna Hunt – What makes us who we are?
Jeff Street – The great shift in the consciousness of humanity has hit critical mass and passed the point of no return.
Justin Deschamps – Consciousness is the greatest tool ever placed in the hands of humankind.
Christina Sarich – There seems to be evidence that our consciousness is indeed a transferable entity.
Karlos Kukuburra – Religion is a war on consciousness that was initiated in a time out of memory.
Paul A. Philips – Can you be counted on to make that choice in consciousness for world change?
Brendan D. Murphy – Is there something more to consciousness than our present “scientific” paradigms would have us believe?
Rene’ Descartes – You take everything much more seriously, and not seriously at all.
Sofia Adamson – We are all products of nature, no matter how much we avoid this truth.
Christina Sarich – In many ancient religions, the sound of the Sun is considered sacred.
Jim Stempel – Science has been telling us many ideas of spirituality are ignorant leftovers of a superstitious past.
Dylan Charles – The human body is endowed with spiritual anatomy, using energy to support life and consciousness.
Christina Sarich – Researchers are discovering a clear rise in the consciousness of many animals.
Dylan Charles – An upward shift in consciousness is the only way for the human race to survive.
Jon Rappoport – Brain=computer=consciousness is the greatest covert op on the planet.
Jon Rappoport – We’ve been carefully instructed that the individual is the greatest living threat to the planet.
Lucas Dare – The development of the space fence is but one part of the frequency prison.