Garden Rebels: 10 Ways To Sow Revolution In Your Back Yard (And Why You MUST Go To Battle)
Daisy Luther – Perhaps the next Revolutionary War will take place in a vegetable garden.
Daisy Luther – Perhaps the next Revolutionary War will take place in a vegetable garden.
Julian Rose – This is to serve warning that what ‘the authorities’ are planning for us in the very near future is a ‘Great Reset’ of what we are accustomed to eating at our daily meals.
Julian Rose – The Schwab ‘Reset’ and the Gates ‘Vaxit’ are part of an overall masonic/satanic mission to wrest the planet away from its natural evolutionary trajectory.
Julian Rose – The art of living involves the assertion of freedom, creativity and empathy with and for fellow humans and all living beings.
Julian Rose – Wearing ‘the mask’ is for those who suffer feelings of fear and/or guilt. Think about it.
Julian Rose – The human being must now stand-up straight, mask-free and proud.
Julian Rose – The world the elite have planned for us is a 100% dystopian nightmare.
Julian Rose – Do you want to break the puppet master’s grip on your life?
Julian Rose – There are so many awakening to the realisation of their imprisonment. What will be our collective choice?
Julian Rose – We must overcome all that stands in the way of the great emancipation of life on Earth.
Julian Rose – Musk’s great ‘vision of the future’ is to marry his obscene wealth to the most advanced artificial intelligence technologies for the ultimate enslavement of humanity.
Vic Bishop – It won’t look like school much at all, but more like a behavioral re-education camp.
Julian Rose – There are a number of factors about this Covid-19 event that stand-out.
Julian Rose – We need to ditch government and become “self governing” so as to run our own lives on our own terms and at our own discretion.
Julian Rose – Treat the domestic imprisonment being forced upon us – as an opportunity – not as cause for fear.
Julian Rose – Seize this auspicious moment – and let us be joined as one in an unwavering commitment to get off our knees and stand firm in the cause of defeating the ghosts of chaos and fear.
Julian Rose – Never has making truly discerning life affirmative choices been more important.
Julian Rose – The Polish Minister is proposing to exponentially raise the officially recognised limit for cell phone emissions.
Julian Rose – Green is the color chosen for the final great deception.
Julian Rose – The rising-up of humanity to meet this greatest challenge that any of us is ever likely to face – is happening at this very moment.