Architects of Society and the Power of Division

Black or White-1Julian Wash, Contributor
Waking Times

Dear Humans,

There is much talk in the news about people taking sides on a certain issue, and if one believes the headlines, such talk is creating wide division within the masses. But what is division, and why should we care?

An Ancient Tool For The Masses

In the following few passages I hope to present to you how “division” is really an ancient tool of control and to put it simply, an illusion. The only reason illusions work is because we think they do. Most all of us have bought into them, believing the words of the illusionists and giving credibility to the practitioners of this brand of magic. The architects of society rely on such tools to govern the masses as they see fit.

I Am He As You Are He As You Are Me And We Are All Together

Yes, we are different and unique as individuals, but we are also very social and closely connected to one another as a species. When we first enter this world we are not separated by our minor genetic differences nor contrasting ideologies. Such things we are taught. At our most basic level we are simply human, by that I mean the most pure, perfect form of human expression. Our social nature allows us to build relationships, organizations and societies. No matter what your role may happen to be in this life, it’s an essential role. There are no minor players in this game.

But when we surrender our power and authority to an illusion we become compromised, and compromise begets among other things, fear. Ironically it would seem, it’s these practitioners of illusion that are the fearful ones. They fear the masses will someday wake to this illusionary construct of duality, the “black versus white” the “good versus evil,” etc. It’s in this realm of duality that the tools of division work so well. They know the illusion is set and dwells in the hearts and minds of all people, but particularly within those who hold fear, hate and other ominous energies close to them. The architects will play with these very solid, dense vibrations. After all, it’s very easy to control a population that is fear-based or angry. On the other hand, it’s virtually impossible to reign over a world of enlightened, loving people.

  • No Wimps Here

    While I’m on the point, one should not make the mistake of assuming that these enlightened and loving people are in some way docile or (for lack of a better word) wimpy. Nothing could be further from the truth. People who have faced reality with a clear and objective vision, who have had the courage to take a peek behind the proverbial curtain and shine a light on the operator, are the same people who will continue to inspire and lead the rest of us out from this maze of confusion.

    So this will be a short entry today. But please consider the many, many ways humanity has been divided, and in the process weakened and compromised. We’ve been divided on the basis of race, religion, language, geography and ethnicity, divided according to political ideologies, economic status, hair color, eye color, even by our sport teams and the list goes on. I think you get the picture. The closer you look at the many ways we’ve been divided, the clearer it will become. On one level we might appreciate the craft of the illusionist for spell casting such formidable illusions. From a higher level one is amazed by just how deeply entrenched the illusions are and how insidious the infection is.

    It’s been said that “united we stand- divided we fall”. I have faith in the human condition and though I realize “division” won’t be going away any time soon, I can also choose to step somewhat outside the circle and watch from a different perspective. Wherever an opportunity presents itself I will offer my point of view and it will come from a position of love and understanding.

    Which Race are You?

    Today I would simply like to celebrate the only race I’ve come to know, “the human race”.  So as we become more aware of the devious and circuitous nature of the illusionist, we should embrace our internal light of truth, our compass of awareness, and watch as the shadows and lines that divide us begin to slowly disappear.

    Till next time.

    About the Author

    There is a certain obscurity that follows Julian Wash.  After all, any writer that starts off with “Dear Humans” might be a little hard to nail down. We sense he’s benevolent, a little crazy and we think rather enjoyable to read. Email:

    **This article was originally published at The Rattle Report.**

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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