How to Overcome the Fear of Mortality
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – If you want to discover the sublime, meditate on death. Meditate on eternity. Meditate on interconnectedness.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – If you want to discover the sublime, meditate on death. Meditate on eternity. Meditate on interconnectedness.
Kingsley L. Dennis – Whether we have recognized it, and acknowledged it, or not – reality has split. And it is time to choose our positions.
John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead – America is in the midst of an epidemic of historic proportions, and as history makes clear, fear leads to fascistic, totalitarian regimes.
David G – For a greater understanding of modern day manipulation, let’s step back in time to the early 20th century and the birth of propaganda and social engineering.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Fear is fuel for the fire of doing what you love.
Julian Rose – You are a Universal Being. Your body is just a vehicle for the manifestation of this Universal Being here on Earth.
Dr. Mercola – Governments are using fear to control and manipulate their citizens.
Dylan Charles – Fear strips us of our inner authority, while love empowers us to make courageous choices in favor of sovereignty and health.
Dylan Charles – What other social engineering tactics are being employed to manufacture consent and obedience?
John W. Whitehead – Wake up, stand up, and make your activism count for something more than politics in a world turned upside down.
Matt Agorist – Telling cops to stop kidnapping and caging people for possessing and selling a plant that has never killed anyone, is a step in the right direction.
Dylan Charles – Negative emotions are food for inimical spirits.
Children’s Health Defense Team – “It’s a very dangerous thing to do to just follow.”
Dr. Mercola – The “biosecurity” agenda is a globalist agenda that ultimately seeks to gain total control by stripping away human rights and the rights of countries.
Elias Marat – It turns out that the massive forest fires were unable to destroy some of the oldest and tallest living things on Earth, the mighty redwoods.
Jon Rappoport – Expert propagandists know, and have stated, that the best lie to tell is a huge lie.
Truthstream Media – The media is causing fear about a future that doesn’t even exist yet.
Christina Sarich – Instead of fighting “the system,” we can address the inner demons that make us susceptible to manipulation in the first place.
Kingsley L. Dennis – What we are experiencing now is not only a biological pandemic but also a psychological one.
Ron Paul – Thankfully everyone carries a smartphone these days and can record and upload the frequent violations of our Constitutional liberties.