Australian Officials Again Announce a New World Order
Makia Freeman – None of the authoritarian measures make sense unless you look at it from this perspective.
Makia Freeman – None of the authoritarian measures make sense unless you look at it from this perspective.
Dr. Mercola – “Everyone will wear them, because people have shown that they’re quite willing to give up privacy for convenience;” a prototype could be here in the next decade.
Dr. Mercola – Mass COVID-19 vaccination poses health dangers and even vaccine advocate Bill Gates predicts adverse reactions to the vaccine will claim 700,000 victims.
Vic Bishop – “It is necessary that the good, the children of light, come together and make their voices heard.”
Makia Freeman – NWO is not a Jewish conspiracy. Jewishness has been hijacked by Zionism which in turn is ruled by an inner core of Sabbatean-Frankism, a Satanic cult.
Ryan Cristián – We must continue to rise up, innovate, and take back control from the global financial elite.
Sigmund Fraud – These are issues which drastically alter the psychology and behavior of people.
Sigmund Fraud – They need you to create chaos, so that they can bring order.
Makia Freeman – Is Trump just an actor just reading his script out of the NWO playbook?
Makia Freeman – New World Order Anniversaries abound in this year of 2017.
Sylvain Lamoureux – If you were in control how would you maintain it?
Makia Freeman – 2017 is the year when the world will hurtle headlong into a mandatory digital money world – unless we put an end to the cashless agenda.
Tim Bryant – Who really runs our world and what are their plans for us?
Paul A. Philips – Desperate measures are indeed needed for desperate times.
Makia Freeman – The current social engineering tactics used by the Anglo-American-Zionist New World Order.
Dylan Charles – A recently launched political party is attempting to co-opt the hacktivist movement.
Makia Freeman – We are facing an elite bent on directing human evolution to suit their aims.
Makia Freeman – The timing of the latest EU terror is awfully convenient for our overlords.
Makia Freeman – We all need to remember the Game is a whole lot grander than we think.
Jake Anderson – There is an organization that secretly runs the government, but it’s not the New World Order.