There is no Anti-Vaccination Movement

antivaccinationLevi Quackenboss
Waking Times

It’s been 5 years since the mainstream media began writing about the “dangerous and misinformed anti-vaccination movement.” Who are the kooks in this crazy unhinged movement? Surely they are hanging out in labor and delivery rooms, throwing mercury on expectant mothers, making threats against anyone who vaccinates their newborn for a sexually transmitted disease. Certainly they are sneaking into Boy Scout meetings by posing as den mothers and brainwashing neighborhood parents into hosting chickenpox parties. They organize violent protests, vandalize the homes of known pediatricians, and detox children at slumber parties without parental consent.

Take a look around you—undoubtedly someone from this “anti-vaccination movement” has infiltrated your very own social circle. Thank goodness for the media, otherwise you would never have known.

Except, there is no such thing as the “anti-vaccination movement.” A “movement” is a growing organization of people, all pushing toward a common goal. People who exempt their children from vaccination don’t have a “common goal.” There is no target percentage of “anti-vaccination” they conspire to achieve. There is no agenda to push down anyone’s throat. There is no point in time at which they hope to declare victory. The only thing that exemptors have in common is this: they don’t care what you do with your kid. They only care about their own.

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