Monthly Archives

Trust in Self

Ida Lawrence – Meditation, physical disciplines, personal integrity and reliability, inner balance… you can find great guidance on all of this…

These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers

Bernie Suarez – Chemtrail spraying is this big a deal and as another year goes by the globalists and their military industrial complex marches forward with their insanity to control the weather…

How To End Suffering

Video – Eckhart speaks about the ability to end suffering by being present.

Seeing Through the Veil of Your Limitations

Michael Forrester – Humanity is very much like the elephants that are tied to a rope from birth. As the elephant ages, it could easily break free from that rope at any time, but it doesn’t.

Creating the Life You Desire

Video – We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws that aid us in creating the life we desire.

The Mental Universe

Linda George – We are living in a mental universe. Everything we see and experience in the world, as well as everything that passes through our awareness – is mental…

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