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The Bitcoin Novelty – A Revolutionary Idea

Kevin Sterne, Contributor Waking Times Even though the crypto currency, Bitcoin, isn’t exactly new, it still hasn’t infiltrated the mainstream ethos. But it’s getting there. You may have heard the term outside the fringe Internet message boards, or dark bar alleyways—that seemingly hacker-fancied geekdom thing that probably sprang from 4chan or Anonymous—but you probably didn’t

Satkona – Star of David or Star of Goloka?

Swami B.G. Narasingha, Sri Narasingha Caitanya Ashram Waking Times The Star of David [in Hebrew, the Magen David or Shield of David] is renowned as the sacred symbol of the Jewish faith. Indeed, the Star of David is the distinguishing feature on the Israeli flag and as an ornament of jewelry the Star of David

Dying to Live: Unity and Oneness, or Corporate Rule?

Jennifer Deisher, Contributor Waking Times The system we live in is a slow burn into a personal and private prison of negative emotion perpetuated by antiquated ideals in regards to energy, government, and finance. Our society isn’t functioning from a place of teaching us how to live healthy lives and thrive in Wellness, rather we

Early Use of Antibiotics Alters Immunity Later On

Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times As the gut microbiome becomes the newest hot topic in medical science, researchers are welcoming natural and nutritional approaches to optimal health and preventing disease. A lot of studies take a doom-and-gloom tone about the devastating effects on the world from generations of immersion in antibiotics – in animals, in food and

Hemp-Based Batteries Could Change the Way We Store Energy Forever

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times As hemp makes a comeback in the U.S. after a decades-long ban on its cultivation, scientists are reporting that fibers from the plant can pack as much energy and power as graphene, long-touted as the model material for supercapacitors. They’re presenting their research, which a Canadian start-up company is working

Gaining the Strength to Reach Your Limitless Potential

Deidre Madsen, Contributor Waking Times The stroke of midnight is here. Prepare yourselves for a quantum leap in consciousness. ….. What is next for us cosmically? The huge Mayan shift back in 2012 has definitely left us with something to think about, but is anyone really aware of just what that shift filled with subtle nuances entails?

Robin Williams and the Call to Awaken

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times I have been deeply moved over the tragic passing of Robin Williams and the outpouring of love that has ensued. The beauty of this wonderful man and how profoundly he affected so many is almost overwhelming and has brought many to tears, including myself. What his life represented is being mirrored

18 Healthy Reasons to Sip Kombucha

Margie King, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Fermented tea known as kombucha has been rapidly growing in popularity among health food lovers.  But it’s actually been around for thousands of years.  It originated in China in the third century B.C.  Then it made its way to Russia, India, and Japan where it became a staple among Samurai

Canadian Robot Producer First To Denounce Killer Robots

Nicholas West, Guest Waking Times One could debate the overall merits or failings of robotic systems, but one area that clearly has become a point for concern on all sides is the idea of “killer robots.” According to robotics pioneer, David Hanson, we are on a collision course with exponential growth in computing and technology

7 Ways to Trigger the Heart Field – The Most Powerful Healing Force There Is

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times Every cause of disease first begins with an imbalance in the body’s energy systems, specifically, the interaction between how the heart communicates with the brain and the body. Fix that and there is no disease, ever. The heart can produce an electrical field 100 times greater than the brain

Why Should I Care About GMOs?

Valerie Burke, GreenMedInfo Waking Times What if you found out that your child was being slipped a dangerous drug in his school lunches, without your consent? What if you discovered that this drug never underwent the usual safety testing, as the government turned a bind eye? Would you be shocked? Outraged? Or perhaps in a

Happy Ending? Or Happy Now

Zen Gardener, Guest Waking Times No matter where I turn the awakening is screaming out at me. Every event and announcement of intention by the dark side, no matter how destructive and disturbing, is only precipitating more conscious awareness and very present, personal involvement by humanity. It’s a thrilling time. If it weren’t for what

Time to Flush the Mind

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times The gravity of the situation… we hear a lot about that. In our souls gravity is not a low-vibe thing: it’s a feeling room. Even if I had the opportunity to hang with the high-vibe folks and talk about how simple the profound is and how profound the simple, I

Busting the Bureau of Land Management’s Frackopoly

Wenonah Hauter, EcoWatch Waking Times Even without looking at a photo album, I can picture in my mind’s eye a vacation photo from the gorgeous BLM-managed (Bureau of Land Management) land near Moab, Utah. That image of my family and friends on a bicycle trip in the red rock lands, perfectly faded by time, carefully preserved

5 Big Brother Technologies for Tracking and Surveilling Children

Terence Newton, Staff Writer Waking Times Without much of a mentionable public debate about the implementation of police state surveillance and tracking technologies in our society, we are quickly moving into an era where personal liberty and privacy do not exist. For those of us who grew up without being monitored and tracked everywhere we

Feed Your Head: Harnessing Neurogenesis

Sam Gandy, Guest Waking Times The human brain contains around 86 billion neurons, and 86 trillion connections between these neurons. That is more connections than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy, or galaxies in the known universe. The human brain is one of the most complex and wondrous things we know of, and

Cannabis Treats Anxiety, Depression And Activates Pathways That Regulate Emotional Behavior

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Despite the myths we’ve heard throughout our lives about cannabis killing brain cells, it turns out that a growing number of studies seem to indicate that cannabis actually has neuroprotective properties. Cannabis has an incredible ability to regulate emotional behavior and may be the most reliable medicinal plant available

Could This be the First News Channel Run by Teens?

Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times Politics affects everyone, so everyone deserves a voice; especially the youth… It seems like everywhere I go online, I am met with the diligence of Andrew Demeter. I wrote about his award-winning mini-documentary “We The People, Genetically Modified.” Expertly produced, it encompassed a lot of information for a short video

Consciousness and Technology – 3 Mind Expanding Comparisons

Dylan Charles Waking Times Of all the pursuits of human kind, the understanding and exploration of consciousness offers the most likely opportunity for us to realize a civilization oriented towards cooperation, compassion, sustainability, and respect for life. Awakening to higher states of consciousness is the process by which a person, or a collective, can re-organize

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