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Manifesting the Mystic Morphic Field

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times There was an interesting article recently about researchers who found within the computer informational field what appears to be proof of foreknowledge of 9/11. The huge spike in chatter regarding the events immediately prior to the strikes is completely anomalous. In other words, it goes on to say, for it to

Free Weed – A ‘Joint’ Venture?

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times I have a special category for the use of Cannabis either for recreational use or medicinal use against several ailments. The reason is that it is a miraculous plant and it should be free to use without fearing the punishment of the Matrix. But, and there’s always a but, since

Psychobiotics: Bacteria For Your Brain?

Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D., Green Med Info Waking Times Every functional medicine psychiatrist has case stories of the ‘probiotic cure’ – of a patient with debilitating symptoms, often obsessive compulsive range, whose symptoms remitted completely with dietary change and probiotic supplementation. Is this voodoo or is it based on a growing understanding of the role

‘Mushrooms of Immortality’: Reishi Mushrooms an Ancient Medicine for Modern Diseases

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times In China, reishi mushrooms have earned the nickname, “The Mushrooms of Immortality,” and if their longstanding reputation is any indication, this nickname could be appropriate for a few different reasons. Some archaeological evidence points to reishi mushrooms having been used as far back as 7,000 years ago, and with good reason. The

Woman Shrinks Inoperable Mass and Heals Her Thyroid Disease With Cannabis Oil

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times In 2011, Lindsay Bunn Rogers was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and was immediately placed on medication to control her symptoms. She became more ill and eventually her entire thyroid was covered with palpable masses. Despite her doctor’s position that “nothing natural” would ever heal her, Lindsay found not only relief but

Good Vibrations and the Song of Din

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition so ubiquitous that virtually every cell in the body is governed by the influence. The aspect I speak of is the photo-stimulated resonance of protein molecules within cellular boundaries. Like strings of a harp,

‘The Wounded Dragon’ – Healing the Divine Warrior

Chris ‘Open’ Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times Humanity is entering the cauldron of catalytic change At a soul level, the strength of our yearning is collectively challenging a society founded on injustice and inequity. Catastrophic meltdown is on the horizon. How do we progress from here? We must recognise that the capitalistic nightmare has been

Top Secret Pacific Trade Agreement (TPP) to Sacrifice Wildlife, Environment

Jeremy Hance, Mongabay Waking Times Environmental groups have blasted draft text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) released yesterday by WikiLeaks as potentially devastating to the environment and wildlife. The massive 12-nation free trade agreement has been negotiated in secret now for almost four years, and the information release by WikiLeaks shows that key environmental safeguards in the

Raw Food Eating: How Does it Work?

Alen Mischael Vukelić, Contributor Waking Times How long does it take to prepare raw food? Is it good? Isn’t raw food boring? Can I eat cooked foods while being on a raw food diet? Isn’t raw food complicated? Sometimes we get asked what do we actually eat as raw fooders. How does our lunch, in

The Influenza Deception

Brandon Turbeville, Guest Waking Times With the latest round of hysteria regarding the prevalence of the annual flu season and the “need” for the flu vaccine in full swing, one unaccustomed to reading the details of government statistics and the arguments for or against vaccination might justifiably be terrorized into running to their local vaccine

9 Key Components of the Shift Towards Higher Consciousness

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Facing considerable political, economic, social and ecological crises, the human race is desperate for a transformation and a new direction. Business as usual ensures that we are doomed to run a course of half-conscious self-destruction, as man-made catastrophes multiply and stress mounts in every aspect of life. We must overthrow

Now You’re in Charge

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Like others fortunate enough to have time to read, reflect and absorb the information put out on sites like this, you have no doubt acquired a pretty reasonable grasp of what’s going on in the World. Yet this knowledge comes with a certain proviso – it gives you a greater

A Psychiatrist’s Perspective on Using Drugs

Kelly Brogan, MD, Mercola Waking Times When I see new patients, I do not prescribe medication for them. Patients who come to me know that I plan to help them understand “why” they are experiencing “what” they are going through. Once I have tapered patients off of medication, we use alternatives if symptoms crop up

New Study Renews Roundup ‘Weedkiller’ Toxicity Concern

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times A new study published in the January issue of International Journal of Toxicology titled, “Glyphosate Commercial Formulation Causes Cytotoxicity, Oxidative Effects, and Apoptosis on Human Cells: Differences With its Active Ingredient,” raises renewed concern that formulations of the world’s most popular herbicide glyphosate (e.g. Roundup), used primarily in the production of

Vitamin D Improves Mood, Cognition and Pain Tolerance

Mae Chan, Prevent Disease Waking Times Without the sunshine vitamin, few of us would experience lives free of disease. Two new studies show that increased levels of vitamin D not only reduce the risk of developing cognitive impairments, but also improve widespread chronic pain. People with higher blood levels of vitamin D live significantly longer than people

The Alchemy of Time: Understanding the Great Year & the Cycles of Existence

Jay Weidner, New Dawn Waking Times The age of iron has no other seal than that of Death. Its hieroglyph is the skeleton, bearing the attributes of Saturn: the empty hourglass, symbol of time run out… – Fulcanelli The inspiration for this article comes from my almost nineteen years of research into the Great Cross

Waking Up Love

Adam Lanka, Contributor Waking Times We live in a universe where humanity is slowly waking from a deep slumber. A faction of elites exist in our world with the sole intent of control, to harness and direct our energy in the direction that they please. For too long, the agents of decay have cast a

The Basics of I Ching, the Chinese Divination Tool

Reg Little New Dawn In a changing and unpredictable world, no classical text is more rewarding, or more challenging, than the ancient Chinese I Ching or Book of Changes. This classic presents itself as a book of divination and invites dismissal on such grounds amongst educated Western circles, including even the great British sinologist and

On Gods & Big Stones

Osho Waking Times What do you do when you go to a Hindu temple, or a Mohammedan mosque, or a Christian church, or a synagogue? – you are worshiping things which you yourself have created. And that shows man’s utter stupidity: first you carve a statue of God and then you prostrate yourself before it.

Metaphysics on A Brutal Planet

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times As the Internet has brought us greater access to the world, we are even more aware of the never-ending brutality of human existence. In Sanskrit, the words pleasure and pain are often written as one word: sukhaduhkha. The wisdom in equating pleasure and pain has always struck me as

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