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Mathematics and Reality

Peter Russell, Spirit of Now Waking Times The question is sometimes raised as to how it is that mathematics, which is a creation of the human mind, without any empirical reference to external reality, should match reality so well. When we make the distinction between the reality we experience and the underlying reality, the correlation

Responsible Spirituality – Standing in the Dark and Seeing the Light

Chris Renzo, Guest Writer Waking Times To not recognize the darkest aspects of our way of life disables us from being the greatness that we are. To claim we are wise and spiritual without acknowledging the darkest aspects of who we are is superficial. This does not mean we should dwell in the darkness. Rather

Top Sources of Natural Pro-Biotic Foods and Supplements

Erin Schumacher, Guest Writer Waking Times Most of us have taken antibiotics at some point in our lives. We take these powerful drugs because we are told by our healthcare professionals that we must. After all, who would want to risk a serious bacterial infection when it could be easily avoided? Antibiotics are great at

Anti-Depressants Don’t Work for Mild or Moderate Depression

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times A Harvard Medical School lecturer, psychologist and Associate Director of the Program in Placebo Studies at Harvard, Irving Kirsch, was recently featured in a CBS 60 Minutes new program with a claim that put a chink into the pharmaceutical industry’s armor. Professor Kirsh provided a documented conclusion that pharmaceutical anti-depressants don’t work for mild to

Electricity As Currency? 10 Reasons it Could Work

Waking Times Remember the good old days when gasoline only cost $1.50/gallon way back in the ancient times of 2000? Why does it cost more than double that today ($3.71)? A gallon of gas is still a gallon of gas, so it seems obvious that the dollar has lost value. This rapid devaluation of the U.S.

The Importance of Paying Attention to Your Dreams

Bambi Corso, Guest Writer Waking Times  It’s interesting to realize that we spend approximately 6-8 hours of our daily life sleeping. When you add that up over a lifetime, that’s almost 1/3 of our lives! Along with all the benefits that sleep offers including rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit, there is another benefit that

Tribe Rejects $9million Payment From Electricity Company Behind Destructive Amazon Dam

Mongabay Waking Times Leaders of more than two dozen Kayapó indigenous communities have rejected a $9 million offer from Brazilian state energy company Eletrobras to fund development projects in their region due to the the firm’s involvement in the construction of the Belo Monte dam, reports Amazon Watch, an activist group fighting the hydroelectric project.

The Dao of Kung Fu – 武道

Zhou, Xuan-Yun, Guest Writer Waking Times Religion is full of paradox, and Eastern religions are no exception. One of the most compelling paradoxes is that Eastern religions (Buddhism and Daoism) are closely linked with the martial arts. The most widely known temple arts are those practiced by the Buddhists at Shaolin Temple and the Daoists at

Yoga Helps Children With AD/HD

Darlene D’Arezzo, Guest Writer Waking Times  Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) is a chronic, neurobehavioral condition characterized by pervasive inattention, and/or impulsivity and hyperactivity. According to the Center for Disease Control, 4.4 million children and young adults have been diagnosed with AD/HD; it is the most common psychiatric disorder among children. AD/HD affects home-life, schoolwork and

green skills

Green Schools – Rethinking Our Approach to Schooling

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Image if your child came home from school excited as could be because they had been learning how to plant trees. Or what if your kindergartner started asking you to buy more organic tomatoes and kale at the store, instead of Goldfish, because that’s what her science class harvested from

The Maturation of the Soul

Eric Allen Bell, Guest Writer Waking Times The nature of consciousness is that it evolves.  Everything is comprised of consciousness.  Non-local consciousness is the ground of all being.  You are an expression of the infinite consciousness that knows no boundaries.  That which looks out through your eyes, that which seems like individual consciousness, evolves.  It

Ancient Sacred Sites Aligned to the Summer Solstice

Belsebuub & Angel Pritchard, Guest Writers Waking Times Some of the most famous ancient megalithic sites in the world align to the summer solstice – in numerous different cultures: Egyptian, Pagan, Mayan, Essene, Buddhist, Native American, and Easter Islander. Below are some examples. There are others, but there may be many more that have not

7 Highly Disturbing Trends in Junk Food Advertising to Children

Laura Gottesdiener, AlterNet Waking Times  From bribing children with toys to convincing them to eat a “fourth meal,” the industry is glutted with perverse, profit-chasing schemes. Ever wonder why one-third of all children in the United States are overweight, if not dangerously obese? According to a slew of recent reports, the cornucopia of junk food

Why You Should Consider Ditching Wheat!

Erin Schumacher, Guest Writer Waking Times People ask me all the time why I avoid wheat and say “what’s the big deal with gluten”? Why is it that all of a sudden gluten is getting so much press? Recently we’ve learned that gluten intolerance is the most undiagnosed disorder in the United States. For every person that is

The Suburbs: Is America Accidentally Self-Organizing Into Labor Camps?

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times Growing up in Eastern Europe, my parents and grandparents, as well as teachers and church figures, made sure that all youth visited the sites of what remains of the concentration camps of World War II. We also saw the many graphic visual accounts of these camps presented in numerous

Fukushima Now

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times  It is now two years since the Tsunami and consequent nuclear ‘accident’ at Fukushima. I remember it so well, we delayed the release of our 5GATEWAYS film as a mark of respect and solidarity for the people. So what’s the situation at Fukushima now? And what are the implications society should

The Downside of Healthy and Organic Foods

Margie King, Health Coach, Green Med Info Waking Times When you’re trying to eat a healthy diet, the simplest rule is to stick to whole, unprocessed foods. If it has a label, be cautious. If the label makes health claims, run the other way. According to one expert, as America’s collective waistline continues to expand,

New ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ Gives Monsanto Power Over US Government

Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society Waking Times There truly is no rest for the wicked, and Monsanto is at war once again against health conscious consumers with the latest ‘Monsanto Protection Act‘, managing to sneak wording into the latest Senate legislation that would give them blanket immunity from any USDA action regarding the potential dangers of their genetically

Awakening From the Wound of Duality

Linda George, Contributing Writer Waking Times  “I have known good and evil, Sin and virtue, right and wrong; I have judged and been judged; I have passed through birth and death, Joy and sorrow, heaven and hell; And in the end I realized That I am in everything And everything is in me.” (Hazrat Inayat

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