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The Sutra of Golden Light: Passing From This Life to the Next

Anthony Guilbert’, Contributing Writer Waking Times In the ‘Sutra of Golden Light’ Guatama Siddhartha, the Shakyamuni Buddha invites anyone experiencing misery and affliction, bad health, poverty, loss, abuse, ill will, fear, nightmares, or any other harm to hear his words. He states: “To these sentient beings I shall reveal this sutra called ‘Sublime Golden Light,’ which

Chi, Ki, Prana, Orgone – Utilizing the Life Force

Zen Gardner Waking Times Because the eye gazes and catches no glimpse of it, it is called elusive; Because the ear cannot hear it, it’s called rarified; because the hand cannot feel it, it is called infinitesimal; it’s rising brings no heat, it’s sinking no darkness. It is called CHI. – Tao Te Ching Chi,

Veganism and B12 Deficiency: One Danger of Avoiding Meat

Elizabeth Renter Waking Times When you tell a meat-eater that you are a vegetarian or vegan, the first response is usually something like, “How do you get enough protein?” This question is somewhat of a joke in the vegan community, as there are plenty of foods that can make up a diet full of protein.

Drought, Fracking, Coal and Nukes Wreak Havoc on Fresh Water Supplies

Eco-Watch Waking Times On Aug. 12, Unit 2 of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station in Connecticut—which provides half of Connecticut’s power and 12 percent of New England’s—was shut down because the seawater used to cool the plant was too warm. For the last few months EcoWatch has been covering what’s become the worst drought in the U.S.

Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny!

Annemarie Colbin, Ph.D. Waking Times How living things get to be what they are is a question that has occupied philosophers and scientists for a very long time.  In the past two or three hundred years, the focus has been on what Gregor Mendel has called units of heredity, or the physical elements that are

Why Is Planet Earth On Life Support?

Cosmic Convergence, Contributor Waking Times When the biosphere itself is on life support, we have some very serious problems down here, don’t we? Perhaps the following excerpt ought to be seriously considered when probing the true causes of Earth’s predicament. “Every civilization is built on a foundation of core spiritual beliefs, predominant religious traditions and

No Time Left – The Dynamics of the New Resistance

Julian Rose Waking Times By all accounts time is speeding up and space-time is contracting. As we move further into 2012 this phenomenon is almost palpable. Just where do the hours and days go? Terence McKenna, the late psychedelics-inspired luminary, spoke of an imminent convergence of time-lines that would bring about a ‘singularity’ event: the

Can Ginger Beat Out The Multi-Billion Dollar Acid Blockers?

Sayer Ji Waking Times  Did you know that the multi-billion drug category known as “acid blockers,” despite being used by millions around the world daily, may not work as well as the humble ginger plant in relieving symptoms of indigestion and heartburn? Ginger is a spice, a food, and has been used as a medicine

Photographing Modern Day Slavery

Waking Times Photographer Lisa Kristine has been travelling the world for the last 2 years documenting the problem of modern day slavery.  Some 27 million people are thought to be enslaved worldwide even though human slavery is illegal.  From backbreaking labor in brick factories and underground mines, to sex slavery, to textile mills and farms,

Why I Will Continue to Attempt Veganism Until I’m Good At It

Kate, Guest Writer Waking Times This is an HONEST and STRAIGHTFORWARD post about my journey to let my actions reflect my viewpoints. Did you know that Alicia Silverstone wrote a book on veganism and used to fall off the wagon for cheese? That’s ok Alicia. I still love you AND your book. And I don’t care that

Brazil Court Orders Halt to Work on the Belo Monte Dam

Rodrigo Bravo, Staff Writer Waking Times The huge Belo Monte dam project along the Xingu River in Brazil’s Amazon has been fiercely resisted by indigenous populations and those who understand the significance of further industrializing the Amazon.  In the fight against this massive project (the dam would be the world’s 3rd larges), it has seemed

Does Yoga Make You Happy?

Colette Barry, Contributing Writer Waking Times There’s no doubting that fact and most of our efforts are directed towards achieving that state of ultimate happiness, where everything is bright, cheery, and downright wonderful. But while living a lightening-paced busy life, we set up hurdles for our mind which obscure us from relishing the freedom in

Fake Eco-Friendly Corporations Shell out Millions of $ to Stop GMO Labeling

Mike Barrett Waking Times By now most of us know of the enormous issue surrounding GMOs, GMO labeling, and California’s Proposition 37. Proposition 37, a bill that would require all genetically modified foods to be labeled in California, has gained tremendous support from the public. But while an overwhelming number of individuals want nothing more

Who We Are In Crisis

Laura Grace Weldon, Guest Writer Waking Times Versions of Survivor are watched all over the world. Forty-five countries have pitted contestants against the odds and shows are still filmed in Denmark, Croatia, Italy, Norway, Serbia, France, India, Israel, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, and the U.S. These series drop people in inhospitable places with minimal resources and ask them

Don’t Mess with Texas’ Tar Sands Blockade

Will Wooten, Waging Nonviolence Contributor Waking Times One year after more than 1,200 people were arrested in front of the White House during two weeks of sit-ins against the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline, a coalition of Texas landowners and activists will attempt to physically halt its construction. Led by veteran climate justice organizers,

We Are All Unique: Biochemical Individuality and Nutrition

William J. Walsh, Prevent Disease Waking Times Each of us has innate biochemical factors which influence personality, behavior, mental health, immune function, allergic tendencies, etc. Scientists tell us that the number of different genetic combinations possible in a child from the same two parents exceeds 42 million. It’s interesting to note that we do not

Dispelling the Psychopaths From Our Quantum Soup

Carwyn Rudo, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Raw Milk and Psychopaths in Our Soup In a world in which we see psychopathic politicians and industry leaders flourishing, it behooves us to consider which conditions are ideal for and which inimical to such pathology. Looking at the fundamental conditions underlying pathology becomes paramount since resistance has been

The Battle Over Genetically Modified Organisms

Howard Straus Waking Times  Controversy over Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) has been increasing in intensity. The biotech industry’s history of mendaciousness regarding GMO plants extends all the way back to the first test plots of GMO crops. We were assured (apparently without any basis in fact) there was no chance whatever of the genes spreading

TSA’s Millimeter Wave Scanners Radiate Cells With Untested and Dangerous Technology

Prevent Disease Waking Times Experts convened by health authorities have raised questions about airport X-Ray machines because they violated a longstanding principle in radiation safety — that humans shouldn’t be X-rayed unless there is a medical benefit. Although they’ve been approved all over the world, there is now overwhelming evidence that the naked body airport

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