7 Steps to Taking Back Your Power

Suzanne Hosang, Guest Writer
Waking Times 

Power is the ability to act. When you give your power away, what you essentially do is take the reference point off you, and put it out there to the thing that you give your power to. Now this is significant because in order to be powerful, you need to have the ability to make choices that come from Your Will, (not somebody else’s Will) and to activate these choices if you so desire-which is what power is. So a pertinent question now that you are an adult is, “Do you have the ability to make choices that come from your Will and to activate these choices if you so desire?”

If not, then who has your power? Is it your boss? Or is it your partner, your lover, or spouse? Does fear have your power? Or have you given your power to social mores, or institutions such as the government, a religion, or a philosophy? Do doctors, or lawyers have your power? Or is it spiritual leaders such as rabbis, priests, ministers, or gurus? Do you give it to controlling and domineering people? Have you given it to comfort foods, alcohol, drugs, or other forms of escape? Have you given it to taking care of everyone else? Or, do you let people who are unhappy drain and suck your energy? Have you given your power away to money, time, or the scarcity and lack of them?

  • The problem stems from the fact that many times as children, we were given very twisted and warped definitions of power. We were told that you cannot have your reference point as YOU because that’s selfish. That’s egotistical. That’s bad. You need to care for, love and serve others. Don’t think of yourself, or nobody is going to like you. We were told things like, “Oh, that person is powerful,” but when we looked at that person, what we saw was a dominating, controlling, “blankety blank.” So, we concluded that to be powerful, you had to be tough, strong, and have power over/boss people around; we didn’t want to be one of ‘those’ so we shied away from power.

    For you to step into your power, you must take your power back from those warped and twisted definitions of power. You’ve had power to just give away and you need to take it back from all the authorities to whom you have given it to. Below is a powerful technique given by Galexis, a group of non-physical beings that I am friends with:

    1. In your mind, see the person, or thing out there that you are giving energy to. If it’s a thing, then personify it.

    2. Imagine the power as a ball of light and mentally reach out and grab the power from it and bring it back into you.

    3. While doing this, take a big breath in while saying, “Power that I gave to you, return to Me. Power Return to Me.” Repeat this three times.

    4. Now, sense yourself as being really large-about 15-20 feet-and see yourself looking down at this person, (or thing.) You’ve gotten bigger because you took your power back. Notice that (this person, or thing) is not as solid, or as vibrant because all its intensity of power was your energy.

    5. In your mind, thank (the person, or thing) for showing you where you gave your power away and for the opportunity to take it back.

    6. Then forgive (the person, or thing.)

    7. Lastly, forgive yourself for giving your power away to (the person, or thing.)

    You are never powerless because you have choice at every point. You’ve even had the power to make choices to be powerless. Why not make a choice now to be powerful? Why not use your power to bring your reference point back to YOU, and to claim your strengths, your abilities, your gifts and your talents? If you own your power, you will find that you can change anything.

    About the Author

    Suzanne Hosang lives in Florida with her husband, daughter and a host of animals. Her life was forever changed when she met Lazaris, a non-physical being who reminded her that she is a mapmaker, dreamer and dream-weaver, vision-maker and reality creator. In addition to her healing practice, she has written An Awakening, Mapping Your Dream, Volume 1. For more information, visitwww.suzannehosang.com.

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