TAG: statism

A Message to the Voting Cattle

Waking Times A powerfully true message about our dependency on the violent and abusive cult of Statism.  Larken Rose gives us good reason to re-evaluate whether or not the State can ever give us the freedom to evolve beyond our warring and brutal history. If we do not wake up to the reality that we

Breaking Through the Delusions of Government and Mysticism with Stefan Molyneux

Waking Times Violence is a language we must unlearn. In this short animated clip, Stefan Molyneux, of FreedomainRadio.com, makes the parrallel that the statism is just another form of worn out mysticism that is only relevant to those who have been indoctrinated for it as youths, and that it is ready to be relegated to the

Moving Beyond Violence and Statism

J.G. Vibes Waking Times Throughout the course of history people have fought against tyranny and authority of various forms only to be thrown back into subjugation when someone else came along to claim what we call “power”. There have been countless battles to overthrow these established powers, but none of them resulting in freedom for

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