TAG: psychology

Opting Out of Psychology?

Soren Dreier – If you opt out psychology, you will lose a valuable tool that provides insight into the Matrix and yourself.

Feeding the Fear

Jane Chitty – It may not be a completely new concept — instilling fear into people — but it has certainly become much worse.

 Sedation by Sound Bite

Julian Rose – Millions upon millions of educated – and even aware people, all over the world, are succumbing to a new virus ‘SBS’, or ‘Sound-Bite Syndrome’.

How To Become a Lucid Dreamer

Gloria Eagle – The art and science of lucid dreaming was an important part of the culture of old civilizations and still is practiced in many tribal societies.

New Research Suggests Humans Can Sense Future Events Without Clues

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease Waking Times Wouldn’t it be nice to predict future events, even if they are just ten seconds ahead? According to researchers at Northwestern University, we can do just that. Researchers already know that our subconscious minds sometimes know more than our conscious minds. Physiological measures of subconscious arousal, for instance, tend

How Does Fear Work?

Video: How does fear actually work? What happens when we become afraid?

Mind Control: It’s All Around You!

Adrian Salbuchi, New Dawn Waking Times “Man’s task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the Unconscious. Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.” – Carl G. Jung Mind Control. It’s easier than you think! Anybody can do it. Don’t believe me? You don’t think everybody has the power to control

3 Children Whose Stories Support the Case for Reincarnation

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Past-life recognition in children is being studied extensively by various scientists and psychiatrists around the world to prove the survival of consciousness beyond the physical realm. Reincarnation research was advanced by Dr. Ian Stevenson in the 1960’s, who interviewed thousands of people who had recollections of past lives. Dr. Stevenson

It’s Okay To NOT ‘Fit In’ With Society

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times Do you feel like you sometimes don’t ‘fit in’ with society? Have you ever caught yourself looking at all of the unhealthy food in someone else’s shopping cart at the grocery store? When you see people blindly following others, does it make you feel a little uncomfortable? Are

The Matrix of Conformity – Top 9 Traps for Today’s Youth

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times More than ever our world needs a new generation of youthful and caring people capable of comprehending the problems we face, while maintaining the clarity of mind and compassion needed to seek and find creative solutions to this morass. For this, our youth need to be healthy, energetic, and free

Presence over Profit: The Psychology of Intrinsic and Instrumental Value

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer Waking Times “Money has the same relationship to real wealth that words have to meaning. And as words are not the physical world, money is not real wealth. It is only an accounting of available economic energy.” –Allan Watts Our culture is suffering from a serious psychological hang-up: that money

The Elusive Self: an Archetypal Inquiry

Gary “Z” McGee, Staff Writer Waking Times “A human being is part of the whole called by us universe. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and

50 Percent of The Effectiveness of All Drugs Is Due To Placebo

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times There’s no doubt that many medications work in the short-term to suppress symptoms. In fact, that’s all they do as they are incapable of addressing the underlying cause of disease. But even when a medication works, half of its impact on a patient is be due to one aspect

Language – The War Behind All Wars

Alex Vandenberg, Contributor Waking Times The war behind all wars is a war on words; a war on language.  For instance, in today’s world independence is overshadowed by “inter-dependence”, incessant talk of “democracy” overlooks our constitutional republic, “pooling” is now a substitute for sovereignty, “globalization” takes precedence over nation-states, economic growth has morphed into “sustainable

I Want to Break Free

Antony Sammeroff, Contributor Waking Times Most of us are trapped in a prison of our own substance and we don’t even know what the bars are made of. They are not of our circumstances, or even of our reactions to them per se. More often than not they are the fear of our own emotions.

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