TAG: prana

Symptoms – The Subtle Language Of The Body

Glen Dupree, DVM, CVH, Guest Waking Times Our world is full of subtleties that are often overlooked in the rush of modern life. Oftentimes we see what is most evident and believe that to be all there is – we miss the web of more subtle events and objects that accompany the obvious but are hidden

7 Chakras & 7 Links to Your Subconscious

Davina Skinner, Guest Writer Waking Times The Chakras do not start and end with their description or definition – which is where many people stop with their understanding of them. To know their name and position is great but what purpose does that serve? What use is that information to you in your daily life?

Healing With Subtle Energy

Dr. Linda Lancaster, Reality Sandwich Waking Times  In the rising awareness of consciousness, we realize that there exists an invisible world within the visible. Before changes are registered in the physical body, healing takes place on these subtle realms. For this reason, as healers, it is essential that we concern ourselves not only with the

Why Eating Raw Foods Means Eating Living Foods

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times The raw food diet craze may have started in the Western world in the 1980s with Harvey and Marilyn’s best selling book, Food for Life, but the consumption of ‘living foods’ goes back centuries, even eons. The expression, you are what you eat, doesn’t just mean superficially or metaphorically. You can

Is Your Your Cell Phone Stealing Your Life Force?

Tim Chrisco, Guest Writer Waking Times Your life force is your energy, often referred to as Qi, Prana, or Life Force. There are many names for it, and it is absolutely essential to life. Many people don’t believe in energy because they can’t see it or touch it. Interestingly though, most everyone feels energy, even

Orgone Energy

Dave R. Gahan, Guest Writer Waking Times This term orgonite derives from “orgone”, the term provided by Wilhelm Reich for essential energy discovered everywhere throughout nature. Also known as “Chi”, “Prana”, “Ether”, “Élan Vital”, or “fifth element”, this vital energy exists in an organic way within a variety of types. It may be neutral (OR),

Fire in the Belly: Manipura Chakra, Turning Power Into Peace

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times The Famous psychologist, Carl Jung, once said that Manipura chakra is where we burn through our passions and desires in order to become a completely realized individual. This chakra is the third in the system of seven conceptualized by Ayurvedic and yogic doctrines, and is also associated to Tiferet

Chi, Ki, Prana, Orgone – Utilizing the Life Force

Zen Gardner Waking Times Because the eye gazes and catches no glimpse of it, it is called elusive; Because the ear cannot hear it, it’s called rarified; because the hand cannot feel it, it is called infinitesimal; it’s rising brings no heat, it’s sinking no darkness. It is called CHI. – Tao Te Ching Chi,

What are the Chakras and What is Their Purpose?

Chris Bourne, Contributing Writer Waking Times A great deal is spoken of in spiritual texts and musings about the Chakras and exactly what their purpose is. Here at Openhand, we view them as ‘consciousness exchange points’ where Unity Consciousness as the soul infuses with Separation Consciousness as the bodymind. Our lives are greatly affected and

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