TAG: natural sunscreen

Top 10 Natural Health Remedies of Coconut Oil

Waking Times The popularity of coconut oil has skyrocketed in the Western world over the last several years. However, its many health benefits have been known in other regions of the world as part of their ancient history. Better late than never! Coconut oil is finally taking center stage, and is much needed in our

The Sun – An Essential Element of Good Health

David Huting, Guest Writer Waking Times  “Along with food, air, and water, sunlight is the most important survival factor in human life.” -The National Institute of Mental Health In the past 100 years, the majority of people around the world have transitioned from working outside all day to being stuck inside, with artificial lighting. 100

A Recipe for Natural Homemade Sunscreen

Andrea, Frugally Sustainable Waking Times We all know that protecting our skin — the body’s largest organ – from the sun is super important; but sadly, so many of the commercially-prepared sunscreens on the market are laden with harmful chemicals that could actually end up exposing us to the very toxins we are trying to protect ourselves from. The good news is…there are ways to make your

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