TAG: militarism

6 Ways to Undermine American Fascism

Gary ‘Z’ McGee – We live in a culture that’s suffocating under the stifling cross-stitched blanket of state and corporate power, and there is a single word sewn onto that two-sided blanket: Fascism.

Super Bowl War Games: Will There Be Blood?

Zen Gardner Waking Times As you may have read already, the Super Bowl is taking unprecedented so-called “security” measures this year, stepping it up with each event as we saw with the Olympics insanity and the constant militarization of anything and everything. Not only in the US, but others in the axis of evil controllers

Transforming Militaristic Inertia Into Real-World Courage

Z, Contributing Writer
Waking Times

For any action to count as courageous it must first come from an understanding that the current situation has changed so drastically that the requirements for courage must change along with it.

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