TAG: krishnamurti

Krishnamurti on Quieting the Mind

Wes Annac – An encouragement of liberation from the distractions, desires and habits of the mind by one of the greatest spiritual teachers.

Meditation is Simple

Daikan Basho, Contributing Writer Waking Times Many thought leaders of our time inspire us to meditate regularly in order to reach great depths of inner peace and grow our understanding of the nature of our mind and humanity. More and more ordinary people are beginning to meditate these days, exploring how meditation impacts their lives. With

Irrefutable Scientific Evidence That We Are All One – Follow Up

This article is a follow-up to Irrefutable Evidence That We Are All One Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times  We Didn’t Come From the Big Bang, We Came From the Big Blend In an effort to be inclusive rather than exclusive and to “relate harmoniously with each person as a conscious individual,” (Mothman777) I offer first

17 Krishnamurti Quotes That Will Turn Your World View Outside In

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  A sage is someone who can put into words the aspects of our mysterious nature that most of us can only feel. At times in my life I have been overwhelmed by the world and confused about the purpose of it all. I spent much time in anguish, behaving in

Why Won’t You Change? (Video)

Excerpted from J. Krishnamurti’s Life Story and Teachings. Krishnamurti asks us to give deep attention to this question of why we won’t change when we already understand the importance of changing. Why won’t we prevent all wars to save our own children? Will we be forever nationalistic? We are psychologically conditioned, and to actually change for the better we must each individually break through this conditioning.

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