HPV Vaccines and Their Devastating Legacies

Catherine J. Frompovich – Well, if there ever were a vaccine that should scare the living daylights out of everyone, it is the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine.

Should Parents Be Allowed to Decide About Vaccines?

Dr. Mercola Waking Times USA Today1 recently ran an editorial under the headline, “Vaccine opt-outs put public health at risk” and called for elimination of personal belief exemptions in state public health laws, including those that require children to get dozens of doses of up to 15 vaccines in order to attend daycare and school. “When

Study Reveals “Unavoidable” Danger of HPV Vaccines

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times A new review published in Autoimmunity Reviews titled, “On the relationship between human papilloma virus vaccine and autoimmune disease,” is destined to reopen the controversy surrounding numerous reports of HPV vaccine-induced harm that have surfaced ever since their widespread use, beginning with the FDA’s 2006 approval of Merck & Co.’s Gardasil.[i] The study

The Coming Push to Give HPV Vaccines to Infants

Heidi Stevenson, Gaia-Health Waking Times If you can push the most dangerous vaccines in use today on teen and pre-teen girls, and later on boys of the same age, without any proof that they work, then why not give them to newborn infants—plus another ‘booster’ later on? That appears to be planned for Gardasil and

The Hidden Connection Behind Viruses, Vaccines and Cancer

Dr. Tyson Perez, Green Med Info Waking Times Mainstream medicine tells us that the hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes liver cancer which is why it is so necessary for US newborns to be vaccinated within hours of birth.  We are told that the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is supposedly so prevalent in our population, causes cervical cancer

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