TAG: carl jung

The Magic of Synchronicity

Amy L. Lansky – Our collective energies can produce amazing material things, but also magic.

The Zombie Meme & Collective Psychosis

Robert Bonomo – The zombie meme is pointing to a fear that something has broken in our culture and what awaits us is a collective psychotic break of apocalyptic proportions.

The Mystical Treasures of ‘The Golden Cave’

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times I touched upon The Golden Cave, as being the realm of the inner Core that we have. I would like to go further into that. Caves with wonderful treasures have attracted explorers and bounty hunters throughout time. The idea of wonderful treasures of ancient and more present times is very persistent

Have YOU Been Here Before?

Gary Lachman, New Dawn Waking Times Belief in reincarnation is one of the oldest and most durable of human traits, so old and persistent, in fact, that the psychologist C. G. Jung went so far as to call it an archetype. “Rebirth,” Jung wrote, “is an affirmation that must be counted among the primordial affirmations

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