Literature, Quotes, Humor

Krishnamurti on Quieting the Mind

Wes Annac – An encouragement of liberation from the distractions, desires and habits of the mind by one of the greatest spiritual teachers.

The Evolution of Perception

Jason Gregory – The spiritual seeker and esoteric student travel through three planes of growth.

The Religion With No Name

Brian C. Muraresku – Before the rise of Churchianity, in the long-forgotten cradle of Western Civilization, our ancestors were also drawn to a spiritually independent lifestyle – free from any doctrine or dogma.

Black Holes and the Journey of the Soul

Bibhu Dev Misra – Legends and ancient myths talk of a “Spirit Trail” or a “Road of Souls” in our galaxy, along which the souls of dead people travel to a mystical underworld.

Sound, Matter and the Woven Universe

V. Susan Ferguson – Sound must be considered when contemplating the manner in which subtle energies are transformed into matter that is differentiated and perceivable to the five senses.

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