Search Results for plant medicines

Prescriptions or Plants: Time for a New Medicinal Mindset?

E. Dahl, Prevent Disease Waking Times A word is a thought expressed, and it has been said that our thoughts speak louder than our words. The power of the mind is still virtually unknown. A light switch turns on and off and the differences are apparent, and the same holds true for our perception and

Amazing Medicinal Plant Kills Malignant Tumors and Destroys 70 Percent of Breast Cancer Cells

Dr. Marianna Pochelli, Prevent Disease Waking Times Beyond limited empirical observations, not all medicinal plants have established scientific studies to support their effectiveness. However, in the case of Brucea javanica, it is one of those plants in which scientific investigations have provided enough evidence to prove that it has an impressive efficacy for the treatment of cervical, bladder

Plant Medicine Masters & Guaria De Osa Retreats: A Talk with Jonathon Miller Weisberger

Terra Celeste Waking Times Editor’s Note: Jonathon Miller-Weisberger is the author of Rainforest Medicine. He offers sacred plant medicine retreats at his remote eco-lodge in the jungles of Costa Rica guided by elder master-shaman of the Secoya tribe from Ecuador. You can find out more about his upcoming transformational events, here.  The Secoya elders, legendary

Peyote as Medicine – The Power of Native Plants to Heal

Ruth Hopkins, Indian Country Waking Times Most people in the United States are unaware of what an important role plants play in the field of medicine. Plants are the original source material for nearly 40% of all pharmaceutical remedies in the United States. In other words, there are prescription and over-the-counter drugs on the market

Soldiers, PTSD and the Shamanic Plant Medicine Iboga

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  Whether you agree with American foreign policy or not, it’s difficult to imagine disagreement over the fact that soldiers returning from war should be given the best possible care to recover from physical and psychological injuries incurred in military service. Not only is it naturally human and compassionate to wish

GMO Pharmacy: The Pervasiveness of GMOs in Medicines and Supplements

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times The concern over eating genetically-modified foods is growing as more people learn about the harmful effects of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). Although not readily publicized by the mainstream media, GMOs have been linked to various health complications such as tumors, organ failure, DNA damage, immune system disturbances, and infertility, among others. Simultaneously,

The Visionary World Of Ayahuasca – Plant Spirit Shamanism In The Amazon

Howard G. Charing, Guest Writer Waking Times  Ayahuasca – Plant Spirit Medicine of the Amazon “We are not talking about passive agents of transformation, we are talking about an intelligence, a consciousness, an alive and other mind, a spirit, which of course we have no place in our society. Nature is alive and is talking

5 Food-Medicines That Could Possibly Save Your Life

Some of the most powerful medicines on the planet are masquerading around as foods and spices. While they do not lend themselves to being patented, nor will multi-billion dollar human clinical trials ever be funded to prove them efficacious, they have been used since time immemorial to both nourish our bodies, and to prevent and treat disease.

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