4 Ways the New Age Movement Has Tricked You

Phillip J. Watt, Contributor
Waking Times

In a mad world, we all want some philosophical salvation. Let’s make sure it’s based in truth, though.

The new age movement has a lot good stuff to offer. It provides a general pathway to realizing our essential nature so we can step into our strength as an energy having a human experience. It also opens up doors to self-healing, self-sustainability and selflessness.

Yet, there are many harmful ‘beliefs’ that circulate it too.

This is not by accident either; as we all should know by now there is a shadow order who have very strict intentions about humanity’s future, especially building a world-wide centralized control-system which is dressed up in a pretty outfit so it’s welcomed by the masses. Anyone who has their critical thinking engaged can see that this dark occult agenda has influenced the new age movement, just like it has with basically everything else.

The fact remains that the divide and conquer strategy is rampant among the truth and freedom movements. Fear has also been injected into the hearts of not just those who are slurring from their slumber, but truth-seeking veterans. Not only that, certain concepts and themes have been pushed within spiritual circles to not just deactivate us, but dehumanize us too.

It is in this light that it’s important to discuss 4 key failures of the new age movement that the elite amplify as a tool to keep us passive and off track.

  • 1. Everything is Meant to Be

    If everything is meant to be, we have no free will because we were always going to make the decisions we choose. Now of course this sounds absolutely ridiculous to most of us because we do in fact make free choices within the context of our lives.

    Yet, that doesn’t mean that destiny doesn’t exist. Destiny is the evolutionary path of our energy, which some people call the soul. However, there are an infinite amount of ways we can undertake that growth. That’s where fate, or freewill, kicks in. Our choices can manifest our destiny in manifold ways, as they emit and attract their own energy within the electromagnetic grid. Combined with our energetic blueprint and our subconscious wiring, as well as all the other minds of consciousness, we then co-create our reality.

    That’s why the new age ‘law of attraction’ is another complete failure, because it doesn’t account for the other factors contributing to our co-creative role.

    READ: 10 Basic New Age Deceptions and How to Correct Them

    So not everything ‘is meant to be’. We can only choose within the limits of our blueprint and subconscious, but we still have free choice. That’s why this concept has been welcomed into the new age movement by the elite power structure, because it simply makes us inactive. Instead of saying “No, this is not okay and we need to do something about it”, we say “it’s just all part of the divine plan”.

    And that’s exactly what they want us to think.

    2. Don’t Judge

    There are many definitions to all words, which is why one meaning over the other has been pushed through the new age movement as a deception play.

    Of course judging somebody in a way which makes you feel better than them because they might think or act different, or have different characteristics, is definitely unhealthy. The reality is however, that everybody judges. We continuously do assessments and form conclusions about what we want to eat, what we want to do, and what we want to say. For example, everything written here is a judgment.

    The confusion of ‘not judging’ should be focused on ‘not looking down on others’, including pretending we know another person’s story. That’s basically it; everything else we need to form judgments on for our own health and growth. We need to make sure we continuously assess, conclude and repeat, particularly around what’s working and what’s not, not just for ourselves, but the outside world too.

    Some people say to discern, which of course makes sense, because discernment is simply good judgment. And we need to use this capacity to work out what the hell is happening in the world so we can call out the dysfunction and build something more aligned to the freedom and health of our human family.

    So the aim is to judge in healthy, wise, fair and true ways, instead of not judging at all. And that scares the control-matrix brilliantly too, as you then might judge them for what they really are and then join forces to collectively do something about it.

    3. Let Go of Your Ego

    Let’s get straight to the core on this one; the new age movement is full of egotistical fundamentalists who advocate for letting go of the ego. It’s an utterly hypocritical disgrace, in my judgment.

    And not just that; the amount of dysfunctional egoic reactions I’ve witnessed after suggesting they should empower and expand their ego, not pretend that it doesn’t exist, is astounding. The irony certainly gives me a good belly laugh.

    As indicated above, there are many meanings to words. The core definition of the ego is simply ‘the sense of self’ or ‘the I’. We are in fact, an ego. All animals have some sense of their self too, no matter how primitive, so they have an ego as well. If a soul has a sense of self, so does it.

    Now of course I’m not referring to the definition of ego which reflects excessive pride or competitiveness with others. That is definitely one aspect of the self that is unhealthy, misguided and outright dangerous. But when it comes to having a healthy sense of self, one who understands both its interconnected and individual layers of truth, it’s a win/win.

    The elite want you to let go of your ego because it will make you very passive and devoid of color. Have you watched people who think they’re gods gifted gurus? They’ve basically got no personality, they’re not engaging all their human qualities, and they’re essentially boring as batshit. Plus, off the camera they’re just as human as you or I.

    That’s why they’re the perfect vehicle for herding the sheep, because they feed all of us this new age bullshit. Whether they know it or not, they subtly endorse the condemnation of the human experience, such as that we should feel guilty for not sitting in a cave for fifty years until we transcend our humanity and become one with the source.

    Well, if wanted to hang with the source, we wouldn’t have chosen a human experience would we. Simply, we need to embrace all our realities. That includes both the truth of awareness and the truth of self-awareness, and then synthesize and shamanize the fuck out of that duality.

    4. There is No Right or Wrong

    Really? Then there is no truth and untruth? There is no morality? Bullshit. This concept is just another psy-op to make you into a human-less zombie.

    Now of course on the level of oneness, there is no right and wrong. They are one and the same thing. But in our dualistic construct, called ‘being a human’, it definitely exists. For example, the golden rule is spot on when it comes to basic law. Do no harm to others, respect each others health and freedom, and live according to your own love, honor and truth.

    In this construct, that is right. Anything in contrast, is outrageously wrong.

    There are also many other examples. There are truths, and lies. There are positives, and negatives. There is healthy, and unhealthy. And there is love, and fear.

    So it’s just another brainwashing technique to say “there is no good or bad, all is neutral”. Once again, it is true on the stage of source, but in our embodiment it is a bold-faced lie.

    Final Thoughts

    There are many other new age deceptions that are designed to keep us a little minion of the system. Examples are ‘transcend our emotions’, ‘everything is love’, ‘the only truth is one’, ‘ascend your humanity’ and ‘the objective world doesn’t exist’.

    This cannot be emphasized enough; there are many layers to our existence and there are many layers of truth. Just because one thing is true on one level, doesn’t mean it is on another. We need to use our brains to judge what is going on, because we’re not in this playground to just play, we’re also here to both individually and collectively learn, heal and grow.

    And one more thing; if you want to use your ego to judge what the truth is, make sure you accept that you’re using your ego to judge what the truth is.

    Note: the following video discusses these failures in more detail.

    About the Author

    Phillip J. Watt lives in Australia. His written work deals with topics from ideology to society, as well as self-development. Follow him on Facebook or visit his website.

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    This article (4 Ways the New Age Movement Has Tricked You) was originally created by Phillip J. Watt and is re-posted here with permission. 

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