Monthly Archives

Top 10 Ways to Reduce Exposure to Cancer Causing Agents

Infographic – By eating organic foods, filtering your tap water and developing other simple living habits can minimize your exposure to cancer causing agents, and you might be able to avoid the deadly disease.

The Secrets of the Spiritual Journey

Frank M. Wanderer – The book of our life stretches between the two end points, and this book is the chronicle of our wanderings.

The Zombie Meme & Collective Psychosis

Robert Bonomo – The zombie meme is pointing to a fear that something has broken in our culture and what awaits us is a collective psychotic break of apocalyptic proportions.

Benefits of Berries

Infographic – Berries may be small, but the benefits they offer the human body are far from diminutive. These fruits are power-packed with lots of vitamins and minerals enough to keep you going, glowing and growing.

Did Ancient Aliens Build Puma Punku?

Video – This video from Cosmic Wakening explores the alleged mystery behind Puma Punku, one of the most incredible and unexplained ancient ruins in the world.

The Hamster Wheels of the Matrix

Zen Gardner – Do we want to be winners for love and truth, or destined-to-lose self-reinforcing pulpit pounding tools of unending futility?

8 Top Vegan Foods Packed with Protein

Anna Hunt – Adding protein to a meatless and dairy-free diet is much easier than many people think. Here’s a list of foods packed with protein even vegans can eat.

The Group Is All

Jon Rappoport – More and more, education is entraining children to think of themselves as part of a group.

Smart Meter Information Consumers Should Know

Catherine J. Frompovich, Guest Waking Times Over the course of a year that my electric power company in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has been installing AMI Smart Meters on homes in my area, I have been able to keep one off my house by placing a “No Permission Granted to Install Smart Meter” sign on the

Inside the Garbage of the World

Dr. Mercola – While you may not directly feel the impact of garbage while going about your day to day life, it’s quite literally choking the life out of our ecosystem…

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