Monthly Archives

An Indisputable Database for Chemtrail Deniers

Catherine J. Frompovich – With all the documentation, which represents not even one-tenth of what’s probably out there, who do you think are the conspiracy theorists?

New Research Reveals the Real Causes of Depression

Dr. Mercola – Contrary to popular belief, depression is not likely caused by unbalanced brain chemicals; however there are a number of other biological factors that appear to be highly significant.

Desire: What Do We Really Want?

Wes Annac – Everything we long for here on earth is a mask that hides our true desire; our true longing, which, little do we know, is for a higher state of consciousness…

The Secrets Hidden in the Pyramids of Egypt

Video – Could it really be that the great structures were built not as tombs for the pharaohs but for something much more powerful than the mighty Egyptian kings themselves?

Thinking: A Criminal Act?

Julian Rose – We can all play our part in countering this world-wide attempt to suffocate the voice of truth and to replace it with a global ministry of lies.

The Silence and the Storm

Zen Gardner – It’s time to stand up and tell it like it is. You may be ridiculed, but there are those that will hear you. Maybe not now, but the time will soon come when the truth will sink in.

Cancer & The Healing Power of Sound

Waking Times – A fascinating interview with author Dr. Mitchell Gaynor about the use of sound as medicine for cancer and many other illnesses.

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