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Anti-Vaccine Backlash: Thousands Refuse to Enroll in Austin Community College

Craig Stellpflug Natural News Administrators at the Austin Community College (ACC) admit that some 10,000 students have refused to enroll at ACC because of their vaccination requirements. Meanwhile, a Washington State rock band named The Refusers is storming Youtube with their latest hit “First do no harm. Vaccine refusal is a basic human right

Aikido, Combat and the Way of Love

Unknown Waking Times “The train clanked and rattled through the suburbs of Tokyo on a drowsy spring afternoon. Our car was comparatively empty – a few housewives with their kids in tow, some old folks going shopping. I gazed absently at the drab houses and dusty hedgerows. At one station the doors opened, and suddenly

Is This What Successful Peaceful Protest Looks Like?

Isaac Davis Waking Times As worldwide protests against the avarice of the banking elite and the brutality of conflict-driven governments escalate globally, we see how all too often this results in violent conflict between the forces of the State and its own unarmed citizens.  Sadly, this is the norm, and we wonder if peaceful revolution

Record Numbers of Pregnant Women Are Refusing The Flu Shot

Dave Mihalovic Prevent Disease An overwhelming majority of pregnant women who visit the doctor’s office are now refusing the flu vaccine over fears it will harm their fetus. The medical community is on damage control pushing out flawed studies in an attempt to sway opinion in a losing battle for control over fetus health. More

Amazing Singing Plants Phenomenon

Message to Eagle Plants are very much alive. Not only do they dislike human noise but they also posses the capacity to learn and communicate. Perhaps even more astonishing is that plants can also make music. Have you ever heard the incredible music of the plants? Plants can actually sing and compose music and listening

Blatant Corruption Exposed as EU Blocks France’s Ban on Monsanto’s GMO Maize

Anthony Gucciardi Waking Times Just after France legislators and officials moved to ban Monsanto’s genetically modified strain of GMO maize over environmental and health concerns, the European Union has decided to step in and re-secure Monsanto’s presence in the country — against the very will of the nation itself. This should come as no surprise

Mindful Breathing a Great Tool for Achieving Your Mind and Body Connection

Mike Barrett Waking Times While seldom consciously recognized, most people truly do lack self-connectedness. This can be exemplified through a mere observation of how most people breath every day. Breaths are usually taken in short bouts which ultimately bring about some degree of stress, rather than deeper breaths that are subsequently more relaxing. These short

DNA Activation: A Secret to Personal Transformation

Mona Bhattacharya Wake Up World Life begins with an untouched mind – much like a blank canvas waiting to be colored. The colors are known as ‘the human experience’, which brings about the gradual development of the mental capabilities required to live a ‘normal life’. Intelligence, creativity and memory are developed, but at the same time,

An Awakening in Darkest Africa

Linda Smith Waking Times I am a white African, privileged to have spent my youth in one of Central Africa’s most magnificent countries. A country founded by and named after Cecil John Rhodes. I grew up in an environment where being strong was the only option available to me. I never believed the media’s version

The Arab Spring You Haven’t Heard About – in Mauritania

Peter Dörri, Contributor Waking Times You may not have heard of it, but the West African country of Mauritania has what is probably one of the most vibrant and active protest movements in the world today. Protests drawing tens of thousands of people (out of a total population of just three million) take place almost weekly

Radiation, The Other Toxin

Capt. Randall Waking Times Few things strike fear into the hearts of men like the invisible terror of nuclear radiation. While the mention of a mushroom cloud sealed the sales pitch to invade Iraq a decade ago, today the subject of radiations whether from electromagnetic fields like cell phones, medical equipment, depleted uranium weaponry or

The Internet Told Me To Wake Up

Contributing Writer Waking Times I’ve had people ask me why I think a revolution or evolution of human consciousness would happen now. Why are we so special? People have been predicting “big things” throughout time and most of them don’t turn out to be true. I think the answer to that has a lot of

Fracking Colorado

Gary Wockner EcoWatch Have you ever wondered why, when they discover a new oil or gas field, they call it a “play”? Could it be that oil and gas corporations are playing with your family’s health, playing with your home’s value and playing with our state’s economic future? The new Niobrara energy play in shale

The Warmonger Race and Weaponization of Everything

Zen Gardner What’s with this world? It doesn’t matter what new technology surfaces, “How can we weaponize it?” It’s insane to the max. Whether it’s viruses and bacteria, flying things, vaccines, food, sound and electromagnetic technology, anything with a camera, x-rays and radiation, forays into space, psychological advances, mosquitoes, vehicles of any sort including unmanned

Using Exercise Instead of Drugs on ADHD Children Gaining Credibility

Prevent Disease Exercise clears the mind. It gets the blood pumping and more oxygen is delivered to the brain. This is familiar territory, but Dartmouth’s David Bucci thinks there is much more going on. “In the last several years there have been data suggesting that neurobiological changes are happening — [there are] very brain-specific mechanisms

Monsanto’s Mass ‘Super Weeds’ Force Sustainable Farming

Anthony Gucciardi Waking Times What happens when Monsanto’s modified creations get out of hand and threaten the biosphere with mutated ‘super weeds’ that continue to suffocate farmland across the entire planet? Experts call upon farmers and government officials to return to traditional sustainable farming practices — the kind without Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. It was recently

Moving Beyond Violence and Statism

J.G. Vibes Waking Times Throughout the course of history people have fought against tyranny and authority of various forms only to be thrown back into subjugation when someone else came along to claim what we call “power”. There have been countless battles to overthrow these established powers, but none of them resulting in freedom for

Coconut Water: Far More Than Just A Refreshing Beverage

Sayer Ji Waking Times Few beverages on this planet are as biocompatible to the human body and its hydration needs as coconut water. Indeed, coconut water has been reported to have been used for intravenous hydration and resuscitation of critically ill patients in remote regions of the world for over half a century. [1] It

Marijuana Oil Helps 3-Year-Old Son Beat Cancer, Dad Says

Mike Barret Waking Times What would you do if your 3-year old son was stricken with brain cancer? Most parents wouldn’t think twice about bringing their child to a mainstream doctor, only to undergo modern-day cancer ‘treatments’ such as chemotherapy. This is what one father, Mike Hyde, from Montana did when his 3 year old

What are the Chakras and What is Their Purpose?

Chris Bourne, Contributing Writer Waking Times A great deal is spoken of in spiritual texts and musings about the Chakras and exactly what their purpose is. Here at Openhand, we view them as ‘consciousness exchange points’ where Unity Consciousness as the soul infuses with Separation Consciousness as the bodymind. Our lives are greatly affected and

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